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RE: Pinball Emergency Update! The KISS pinball machine stole my 50¢!

in #esteem6 years ago

Exactly! I called’em and nobody answered. It was 7am. Kinda early for a Round Table Pizza (but not pinball). So, I called them back at 12 and whipped them with my nicest voice. (I do love the place so I was actually really nice.) I told them the pinball machine had a broken coin slot. I was very happy to immediately hear the response, “which side?” The employees response was quick, sincere, and perfect. I also fell in love. I have great confidence they will fix it.

Thanks for your inspiring response @jlsplatts!

Next, I’m calling the bowling alley about their Starwars machine. I might need help. It looks out of order and if more than one pinball fan were to call them about it, they might fix it... I can probably get @zingali to call them also.


If your goin to have any type of arcade/pinball machine, that bad boy better work. You mentioned the problem to them nicely and they responded back in the same manner. Now you wait to see if they act on it😜.

I don’t even live there or am I a big pinball fan, but my wife has a Cali number, I’ll call them up. 😉

Oops: BD9A2F5F-D803-4BE1-AE5B-4F6A75C7EEF1.jpeg

Nice, I need some details on what is wrong with the ol’ phantom menace so I can make this a legit.

I found it in the corner shut down about two months ago. They might need to invest money into it if it’s not plugged in and working.

I am planning to stop by there today!

Serious pinball face. ☝️☝️

Did you end up making it over there to do a little investigating into this madness? If they haven’t fixed it in 2 months, it’s either real expensive, or they are just plain deadbeats.

I called today and they said call back tomorrow when the manager is there. I’m headed there now to get a picture of it. 🐀

Nice!! You will get your pinball justice!!

Pool little pinball machine is sleeping still.

I had an "interruption"... please standby comrade @jlsplatts.

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