Yummy chocolatees

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

I love to eat pure chocolates i want to eat everyday

Its benificial for health aor our brain
Brain 🧠 will stronger after eating dark and pure black chocolates

Its energetics






You have copy/pasted an image off the internet without a significant contribution of original content.

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Megalosaurus original content rule violations: [C C-I C-C P S O]

Ohh i forgert about it nex time be care full

I see you have added


to your post.

This does not change anything!

  • First of all, the URL you added is not an actual, existing website.
  • Secondly, just adding an URL is not sufficient attribution. To correctly attribute content from external sources, you must:
    • Exactly mark which parts of your post come from an external source. For instance, for each image, add a text with the correct attribution.
    • A correct attribution for an image requires at least the exact website where the image is originally embedded in (not the image URL, but the website URL), the original creator (photographer, artist), and, possibly, the image license. The latter two infos can be found on the original website. For instance, a correct attribution for your first image would be: Image source: wikimedia.org, author: https://www.pexels.com/@pixabay. Licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication license.
  • Thirdly, you must not take random images off the internet and post them on Steemit like apparently you have done in this post. If these images are protected under international copyright law, it is potentially illegal to post them on Steemit to make money with them.
  • Lastly, and most importantly, from the Steemit community point of view, even if you correctly attribute all external sources, if you create posts without a significant amount of your own original work, these posts are regarded as spam, and will be flagged. As a rule of thumb, about 80% of a post should be your own work, not someone else’s.

If you continue to post mainly copy/pasted content, I and other users will report you to steemcleaners, and will flag you, even if you state your sources in your posts.

Next time i remember it befor posting any post

Posted using Partiko Android

No more excuses!

Edit this post now to comply with Steemit community rules!

In this case:

  • Remove the content which is not your own work.
  • Remove your own upvote from your post and instead flag your post (with 100% voting power) to minimize your monetization.

If you do not edit this post to comply with Steemit community rules, I will flag this post. I will also check and, if necessary, flag and report all of your future posts.

Yami really amazing nice photography on 🍫 chocolates

Posted using Partiko Android

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