in #esteem6 years ago



Determination is a zeal, determination is a drive,it causes you to perform with optimal strength, while talent is a  natural ability or skill,with talent you would be able to do things others find difficult with little effort, yes talent is very attractive but most talented people tend to get carried away, just because you are talented don't mean you would make it in this life,but i can tell you with determination you will have more chance of success,in reality things don't just happen it takes time that is why determination is key it causes you to keep working despite the pressure a determined man is like one who already knows the future that is why he doesn't phase out, yes sometimes talent can carry you to the top but determination is what will keeps you there, determination, determination is what causes you to go the extra mile, also determination don't just happen there are ways to develop determination which are below 

  • passion here you cannot be determined to do something if you don't have love for the things it just don't work like that
  • discipline you must be disciplined to be determined so you don't get distracted when things are not looking good at the onset
  • knowledge you must be knowledgeable so you would know if your quest i actually attainable or not
  •  boldness you must be bold to be determined to stand for what you want and go for it with all your got.


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