Do not Want Fast Eyes Damaged! Immediately Leave These 3 Things

in #esteem7 years ago


The eye is a very vital organ that exists in the human body. Because the eye serves as the sense of sight, where we can see the beauty of this universe from the creation of the Almighty. With a healthy eye we certainly can carry out daily activities without any obstacles, ie with a clear view. With clear vision certainly also very support us in carrying out everything. Therefore, maintaining eye health is very important. Because having a healthy eye is a dream for everyone.

But unfortunately, now many people who often do bad things that can lead to interference with eye quality. Even more concerning is, many children who have been wearing glasses because of uncontrollable bad habits. Well, here are some bad habits that cause damage to the eyes,

The Use of Contact Lenses Sembaha

Please note, that during sleep at night contact lenses should be removed in order to maintain eye health organs. On the other hand it is very dangerous to also use contact lenses that exceed the lifespan. So use contact lenses wisely, and do not lend to others

Staring Monitor Screen Too Old

Staring at the old monitor screen without a break is very harmful to eye health. Not the monitor screen that causes the eyes to break, but the long time is in front of the monitor screen non-stop and without rest. It is important to take a rest from watching the monitor from close range. If your eyes have started to feel tired and you stay in front of the monitor screen, then it can trigger damage to the eye.

Use of Alcohol and Cigarette Smoke

Indeed unhealthy lifestyles can cause damage to human organs. That can harm the heart, lungs, skin, even eyes can be damaged if you consume alcohol and smoke effects cigarette.

Well to reduce damage to the eyes, many tips you can do. One of them is to consume fish oil, a variety of green leafy vegetables, even blueberry can be used. By eating some of these organic foods, your eyes will be helped and definitely remain excellent.

Well that's some things that can cause damage to the eye. So love your eyes and get rid of those bad habits.


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