Alien Abduction

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Exactly 56 years ago, On September 19 1961 A married couple, Betty and Barney after enjoying their holiday , were returning back from Canada to their home in New Hampshire.

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Since that night the moonlight was bright, it was exhilarating . When they were looking through the car's windscreen they could see full moon before them & saw a bright object below the moon.

Betty observed it and told her husband about it .. Barney replied that it might be a meteor which can be seen at night . If it was a meteor, it should be falling downwards from the sky but It was moving upwards from the bottom . But to think if it was an aeroplane, It was not going in a straight direction... It changed its direction in seconds & went randomly even it suddenly went backwards .

when it was moving in forward direction we don't have this technology yet for a forward moving flight to go backwards, it has to circle around but it cannot come backwards instantly like this ...

For the first time they had a doubt that it might be a UFO.Then Barney came out of his car & observed it with his binoculars but something unexpected happened .

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It was a flying saucer,had colourful lights around it & glass on the outer part

When Barney looked into the glasses to check what was in it, There were no humans but 8 human like entities could be seen ...7 of them were going to the rear cabin But one of them was looking at Barney through the glass ..

Fear increased in Barney

"Stay where you are. I am coming to you", Barney heard But those words were not heard due to sound.
Through telepathy the entity had directly sent signals to Barney's brain. Barney almost had a heart attack he threw his binoculars down and got into the car saying "Let us go"...

Then he started to drive fast but in no time the flying object came near Barney's car .Betty saw the flying object from the rear window of the car Meanwhile the flying object came 10 feet above the car.

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Suddenly they heard a loud sound both their bodies
started feeling numb . They are unable to understand
what was happening to them they are slowly losing their consiousness.

Barney applied brakes they saw their house infront of them & couldn't understand what happened....But it took them 7 hours to reach home from where they have started it would take only 4 hours to reach home.

However slow they drove but what happened to the remaining 3 hours?

How did they remember later about..what had happened in those 3 hours?

From which planet did the people in the flying object belong & how did Betty discover it ?

Once they checked after reaching home,they found Barney's shoes were torn.Betty's dress was torn in few places immediately they went to the bathroom
and checked their bodies.
Everything was normal they both took a bath and came back they were unable to remember anything.

"We are tired. Let us take rest & think about it tomorrow", they slept &woke up in the morning.They took a pen and paper &tried to reconstruct their memories but it was very hard for them as they remembered only some things .

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The flying saucer was 40 feet in height & people in the ship took them inside their ship and tested them.
They drove the car unconsciously for a distance of 56 kms. Their compasses and watches stopped
working when they reached home were mentally disturbed & have discussed these things with millitary major, Paul Henderson.

Their case was dismissed citing that they were
under an illusion & has insufficient data.Later they approached a private organisation called NICAP and reported the same thing.

They believed them when they were unconsious & were told that hypno-therapy would help them to recover the memory.So they have been to visit a
famous hynotist called Dr Benjamin Simon & had them hynotised separately.

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They both told him the same story & recovered the lost 3 hour memory .Betty rememberd everything in detail , She wrote all her memories in a book. It is that when the flying saucer flew above their car with a loud noise,then the car was not under their control.

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The car stopped suddenly.

A ramp opened from the flying saucer & few people came down on it .

They were in blue uniforms and wore caps , looked short and were just 5 feet in height.

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They were both unconscious but Betty tried hard and became a bit conscious But by then, two of them were holding her hands and taking her into the forest.

When she turned back they were carrying her husband too but her husband was unconscious
& was walking as if in sleep .

How much ever she shouted,he could not hear.

They were made to board their ship & kept in separate rooms .

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She was screaming,Meanwhile a person not in uniform came near her "Stop screaming. Nothing will happen to you We will not do anything to harm you", he said.

Betty was suprised how they knew English ?

They have sent a telepathic signal to Barney's brain from far away ...Can't they grab the vocabulary
from the brain?

Like in the movie PK where Aamir Khan learns our language in a single night.

Betty asked them to keep her husband along with her then
He replied " Testing both of you one after the other a lot time.We wanted to test only to know the
differences between you and us"Kindly cooperate with us, he requested.

Betty had agreed with him

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They looked grey in colour, with strange nose and had blue lips.
They examined Betty's lips, teeth and eyes ,cut some of her hair & have trimmed her nails and
put them in a small test tube.

They have scraped some skin cells on her hand and then they inserted a long needle in her navel.She shouted loudly in pain Immediately the person waved his hand in front of Betty's eyes and the pain vanished in a second.

They examined her whole body and told her that her turn was over....

Betty asked them where they have come from

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Then that person took out a map from a rack and pointing at a star system on it,
He said this is where we came from She saw a book by the side.The book looked very peculiar

Then Betty asked him if she could take the book and he agreed to it...

When they were sending them out of the ship One of the aliens objected her from taking the book

Because, eventhough they wipe her memory now, She would remember everything after seeing the book . He took the book back and boarded them down.
Barney told exactly the same story as Betty but the extra point what he told was,Unlike the traditional way his semen was collected in a new way 🤫 (may be advance machine lol 🤣)..

The next day, she could remember the map that was acquired in the brain by hypnosis, She was able to draw the map exactly.Her story and the map were
published worldwide in the magazines and from then the people started to imagine that the aliens would come in flying saucers & they will be in a certain shape.

Now I would tell you the real interesting points :

First one, Whatever they have told during hyno-therapy was not a lie.

Because a lie can be detected easily during hypnosis ...Betty and Barney were 100% sure that this was happened and the second one, the map drawn by Betty that was published in the newspapers.

A teacher, Margery Fish found it interesting and researched on it .Since the aliens were a bit like humans,he thought that their planet would be near to our earth.He researched all the star systems
that were 50 light years away from earth & found almost 1000 of them.

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Amongst them, 49 star systems were similar to Betty's map With the equipments he had, he designed a 3D model of Betty's star system & tried to match it in different angles.

One of them matched exactly to Betty's star system
It's name is Zeta Reticuli it was exacly 39.17 light years away from our earth.In that star system, they might be either in Zeta Reticuli 1 or Zeta Reticuli 2 .

We cannot assume that Betty had drawn this map by watching it somewhere because she was just a social worker and the angle in which Betty drew,the start system cannot seen from earth.It was the angle, which was drawn by looking from the alien's planet.

Later, their life was full of disturbances they were unable to sleep. 10 years later, Barney died In 2011, at the location where they were abducted by the aliens.

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The government had marked it and erected a board

"There are no physical proofs that these incidents had happened But no one can rove that it has
not happened"

"There are more chances of it happening than of not happening"
I will definitely believe in aliens ,Many people claimed that they were abducted by the aliens and were experimented.

Some people enjoyed their abduction ..(like me ) but a few had bad memories about it

If aliens would come to earth their first work would be secretly abducting people and experimenting on them because before they come to earth hey need know to know human strengths and weaknesses. Only then they will have a clarity either to have friendship or war.

Thanks for visiting my blog ... keep steeming

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References :

Support @good-karma as a witnesses


It was a good read. I am a lazy reader but I read it all through.

Pay more attention to punctuation and proofreading. The post needs some editing.

Thanks for suggestion

It appears more of a fiction to me than a recall of an event. If aliens truly existed, now is the time we should be seeing more of them but unfortunately such is not the case.

I personally doubt their existence. I am sorry.

Aliens existence is still a surprise to me. They should definitely exist somewhere but no one knows. I enjoyed the story.

Thanks 😀

Why does this have the steemstem tag?


Didn't checked 👍 changed now

okidoki np

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