Esteem Steem Dollars Reaches Market Capitalization of $35.53 Million (SBD)

in #esteem6 years ago

imageBitcoin (BTC) exchanged up 0.8% against the dollar and now exchanges at $11,051.00 or 1.00000000 BTC.Bitcoin Cash (BCH) exchanged 0.7% lower against the dollar and now exchanges at $1,287.03 or 0.11666600 BTC.Steem (STEEM) exchanged 4.6% lower against the dollar and now exchanges at $3.27 or 0.00029638 BTC.Emercoin (EMC) exchanged down 6.3% against the dollar and now exchanges at $3.48 or 0.00031510 BTC.BitcoinDark (BTCD) exchanged 5.9% higher against the dollar and now exchanges at $109.37 or 0.00991376 BTC.Experience Points (XP) exchanged 5.5% higher against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0005 or 0.00000005 BTC.PACcoin (PAC) exchanged level against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0000 or 0.00000000 BTC.Peercoin (PPC) exchanged 0.3% lower against the dollar and now exchanges at $3.10 or 0.00028081 BTC.Counterparty (XCP) exchanged 1.3% higher against the dollar and now exchanges at $22.64 or 0.00205222 BTC.BitBean (BITB) exchanged down 1.5% against the dollar and now exchanges at $0.0255 or 0.00000172 BTC.

About steemit dollars is a coin. It was first exchanged on June fourth, 2016. Steem Dollars' aggregate supply is 9,972,251 coins. Steem Dollars' legitimate Twitter account is @steemit and its Facebook page is accessible here. The Reddit people group for Steem Dollars is /r/steemitand the cash's Github record can be viewedhere.

As indicated by CryptoCompare, "Steem Backed Dollars or basically Steem Dollars are steady esteem pegged resources issued in the steemit stage. SBD are pegged to the estimation of the USD and can be reclaimed on the steemit. stage for around one dollar worth of Steem. When Content makers get remunerates on the steemit.platform they are made accessible in half Steem Power, which can be recovered consistently finished a time of 104 weeks, and half SBD which can be completely reclaimed for Steem in a 5 day term. SBD can likewise be transfered on the Steem Platform and can be traded outside of the Platform...

Purchasing and Selling Steem Dollars

Steem Dollars can be purchased or sold on the accompanying cryptographic money trades: HitBTC, OpenLedger DEX, Poloniex, Tidex and Bittrex. It isn't conceivable to buy Steem Dollars specifically utilizing US dollars. Financial specialists trying to procure Steem Dollars should first buy Bitcoin or Ethereum utilizing a trade that arrangements in US dollars, for example, Coinbase, GDAX or Changelly. Speculators would then be able to utilize their recently gained Bitcoin or Ethereum to buy Steem Dollars utilizing one of the previously mentioned trades.


nace post frend

Nice post... $0.88 reward till now

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 56523.53
ETH 2982.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.15