Trumpet Tree

in #esteem5 years ago

Welcome to #SublimeSunday, a tag presenting you with the unique opportunity to post something a bit different, wacky, crazy or just whatever takes your fancy, initiated by @c0ff33a ☕️

And also #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108



It looks like the trumpet trees are in bloom again. The locals call it the Sakura season. This is because the trumpet tree is known for its impressive flowering display, where the entire tree is spectacularly covered in blossoms, like the Cherry blossom in Japan. These trees are along my walk route. So, it is always a joy to see them bloom. They add so much colour to the route.

The tree’s name comes from its trumpet-shaped flowers, which range in colour from pink to white. The scientific/botanical name for the trumpet tree is Tabebuia rosea, and they can grow up to 24 meter tall.

This is just the beginning of the blooms. Some of the trees haven't start blooming yet. It will be more impressive, absolutely divine, when all the trees bloom, and are at their peak.

It was a very hazy day here yesterday, so the pictures are not very clear, which is a pity.






This is a young trumpet tree. I noticed there are quite a few of them on one end of the route. It would be great when they are grown and blooming. More colours on the walk route.


While the flowers fall, they retain their colour for a couple of days, forming a beautiful carpet of flowers around the tree. They bloom twice a year, each season lasting a week to 10 days.



I like to stand and watch the flowers spiraling down. Unfortunately, it doesn't show up very clearly on the video.


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How lovely! Did you know that if you want a space between your photos typing
will do that?

Thank you Melinda.
I guess you are referring to the ~~~ separator? That is intentional. 😊

I like the separator! Maybe it's just the way I am viewing the photos on my phone. Nevermind. 😀

Howdy sir Vincent! Cool look at part of your daily walking route!

You want to join me for a walk? 😊

I would love to! What time of day do you do that? I'm not an early morning person.

No worries. I walk in the late afternoon/early evening. 😊

Oh that will work, a walk before or after dinner?

Up to you. 😊

Ok, I've heard that a walk after dinner is good for you. lol.

So be it. We will go for a walk after dinner. 😊

It really is a beautiful gallery, walking through the fallen flowers should be relaxing.

It is very much so, indeed. Thank you for taking a look, and taking time to comment.

I think the attention to this started a few years ago.
It's kind of strange, the same tree doesn't bloom as much year to year.
I suspect got to do with the rainfall. Pity the people who have to clean the place. LOL.

I myself have only noticed it in the last four or five years.
Yes, it is a lot of work cleaning up the petals. Luckily, nowadays they have blowers. That make things a lot easier.

They are certainly pretty blooming trees, we don’t get many in the UK that will flower like that. I bet is is so peaceful watching the flowers fall and make a carpet on the ground.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi there @c0ff33a. Peaceful! That was the word I was looking for which escaped me when I was doing the post. Thank you! 😊

We have quite a few of these Trumpet trees all over the island. It is quite nice to see the blooms when traveling on the train.

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