Why are you tired?

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


You stay up watching "Homeland" until late at night. Then you wake up early to go to the office to defeat the boss. For a few days, it's not unusual if you need an extra cup of coffee.

Can also cause the following reasons why always tired / tired / weakness

♡ Dehydration
Healthy women who fail to replace 1.5 percent of the water content in their bodies experience mood swings (rapid mood changes) and low energy levels, according to a study in 2012 in "The Journal of Nutrition". The study authors suspect neural networks in the hypothalamus - parts of the brain that work to control things like body temperature and hydration - send messages that change the mood to other parts of your brain as an early warning to drink more water. The solution:

Drink more, and get rid of eight glasses a day: a standard non-functional drinking water gauge since your hydration needs vary based on things like your weather and activity. In general, you should urinate at least once every three hours and your urine should be lemon yellow.

♡ Less vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 to produce red blood cells and keep the neurons functioning properly. Increased levels of oxygen in the blood that can be carried through your body, causing you to experience feelings of awake. As you age, you produce a little protein called the intrinsic factor, which helps you cultivate nutrients.

Since only animal foods naturally contain B12, vegetarians and vegans face an increased risk of fatigue, as experienced by people who have undergone stomach or intestinal surgery (the procedure often changes the tissue that is the location of B12 absorption, even at low levels or threshold - unnecessary until severe vitamin B12 deficiency - can make you exhausted

The solution: If your fatigue comes with forgetfulness, restless legs (a condition in which your feet feel very uncomfortable when you sit or lie down), or tingling and numbness, consider B12 deficiency as a potential cause. do a blood test to determine the levels of B12 in your body. If the result is low, you may need a supplement. Common doses ranged from 100 to 500mcg. Remember that supplements will only increase your energy if you feel you are starting a vitamin deficiency, unlike caffeine, vitamin B will not boost your spirits if you already have enough vitamin.

♡ stress
Normally, your stress hormone cortisol level reaches its highest level in the morning and decreases during the night, helping you maintain a normal daily rhythm. If your body remains constantly alert, your cortisol levels may never go down at night, interrupting your sleep. Alternatively, your adrenal glands may end up falling behind in cortisol production, causing you to experience sleepwalking all morning. The solution: You can not control the source of stress, but you can change your reaction. Meditation practice has been proven to reduce stress and fatigue for people with chronic health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, and this practice is also useful for healthy people.

And of course more closer to God.

♡ Hidden Heart Disease
Half of women who have heart attacks say they have a sleep disorder and feel excessive fatigue in the past few weeks. Fatigue and shortness of breath as you exercise, climbing stairs, or pushing yourself should also raise alarms, Blockage of blood vessels or weak heart muscle can reduce blood flow, preventing your muscles and tissues from getting the oxygen they need to function properly.
The Solution I: Go to the doctor, especially if you suddenly lose energy or if you have other strange symptoms, such as chest pain, anxiety, or difficulty concentrating.

♡ Iron levels are too low or high
The majority of women know anemia causes fatigue. But do not assume by increasing your iron supplements will boost your spirits. Yes, the low level of iron causes bad formation of red blood cells that inhibit your body to absorb fresh oxygen. However, too much iron can also make you tired. Your body uses vitamins, minerals and energy to cleanse the system of excess elements, leaving little element for your body activity.
The solution I: Consider risk factors: iron deficiency often affects vegetarians and vegans, people with digestive or thyroid gland, women with birth hormone control, and those with very heavy menstrual flow. Conversely, high levels can be from family genes or by taking supplements, and often cause other signs such as feeling cold, thinning hair and nails, or dizziness as you stand. Trying to balance it appropriately is important, so do not take iron pills at will, as Dr. Sirchio, talk to your doctor about blood tests every year to check your levels. If the level of iron is abnormal, check every month until the level of the substance becomes stable,

♡ exercise S tress in the workplace increases cortisol levels and your blood glucose, triggering a reflex reaction to you to fight or flee. But when you spend your afternoon and evening with a little movement between your computer screen and your chair, you never let go of that energy and tension. It can drastically improve your body's performance and disturb your sleep at night - or burn your body's cortisol level so much that it tired out the next morning.

The solution I: start moving if you are quiet. If you exercise to help you sleep better, schedule your program to receive other lessons in the "Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine" that will require you to move consistently for weeks or even months to get useful results.
On the side you can do something superfluous. Exercising - and especially endurance sports like long-distance running and cycling - also leads to an increase in cortisol. If you do not balance activity and rest, you can burden your system with the same physical stress as you experience with emotional and mental stress.

The solution II : If you exercise regularly but suddenly more easily fatigue, you may have exceeded the limit. Strive for full rest for a few days. Then rearrange your routine, do about 25 percent of your normal activities for a week and add another 25 percent each week until you get excited

♡ urinary tract infections
If you have experienced UTI (urinary tract infection), you feel a burning sensation when you urinate. But about half of the women who have UTI also experience general fatigue and pain, and an increase in numbers occurs in those aged 40 years or older. "Basically, it's the body's way of forcing you to rest with the purpose of focusing energy on coping with the infection.

The solution : An antibiotic prescription can eliminate the bacteria of the disease. All the symptoms you experience such as fatigue, should be gone within seven to ten days with completion of treatment, when you are healed, increase rest time, keep the hydration state, and go on a healthy diet. If you are prone to frequent UTI (more than twice per year) talk with your doctor - long-term prophylactic antibiotics may ward off future infections.

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