in #esteem6 years ago


‎rich people marry rich people, they always associate with themselves.

  1. the reason poor parent make poor children is because they make decisions out of need not strategy.

Just hoping u got my point here

  1. ‎the rich use their children for legacy not back up plans. They strategically place their kids in places of influence, good schools, big clubs.

  2. ‎teenage and 19 is the period for discovery: period you find out who you are. Poop people don't thrive because When they discover themselves, their parents shut it down.

  3. ‎age 20-25, that period is a period for consolidating what you have discovered. You begin to network with people who would enable you become what you want to be. You get the skill, the talent and the exposure.

  4. ‎by 25-30 you begin to make money. You begin to build a profile that you are sustaining, you begin to roll with people who you would grow together to make money. The quality of people you meet at this stage will be those you would ride with that would form the back bone of your dreams being accomplished.

  5. ‎30-40 all the people you roll with would have made money. At this stage you are no longer consolidating, you are now expanding your wealth.

When there are opportunities that your friends have they can easily meet you because they know the value you can deliver. But most people who don't have those networks have to hustle their way through.
The best revenge is massive successful, there is nothing that preaches the gospel as powerfully as a changed life.

We are making a statement to Nigeria that I would become a billionaire without stealing a bullion van.

Grit means passion to pursue, the energy to persevere, the desire the unflinching effort that thing that really keeps you going even when the results are not coming, because you know as you keep working the dots would connect themselves in the future.

The thing about grit is that you don't give up, it's a character trait that our generation lacks. We have developed back bones like straws. But as I get better with what I do, Providence would reward diligence.

Some people want the things to be in order before they move, you would die where you stand. Grit makes you move because help is on THE way — the people who would help you, are on THE way to your success.

WF Kumuyi was a man of discipline and grit, he had grit. He had a regimen he never missed. He would wake up at a certain time every single day and read, and wrote, read and wrote, prayed. He would stay for a week at Ayobo campus following that regimen, when he emerged, he emerged with power!

Just hoping you did get my point here.

Am #Percy hamburg

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