
Howdy sir papilloncharity! No sir, I wish. lol..I know that's what it looks like but what actually happened was that we had to quit the real estate business because Mrs. J couldn't handle the stress anymore. It was a brutal business working 7 days a week, every single thing we did was on time limits by the banks, because we were working for the banks processing their repossessed homes and selling them.

Other agents were dropping like flies..dying from heart attacks, cancer, etc and my wife said it was killing her so we had to leave. It was my dream job but we had no choice. So she hated the cold and always wanted to be in warm weather. We searched for a couple of years and the only place that had what we wanted, mostly privacy and some acreage, was in Texas so that's where we went.

We've been looking for work ever since and she finally has a good job now. Did I tell you what she's doing? She's a guard at the county jail! Our big dream is to have some type of half-way house for women when they get out of prison. We've had alot of experience with prisons, ex-cons, etc for years and understand the challenges they face when they're trying to get their lives back on track.

Howdy Sir @janton, so incredible!
I have two long term projects here in the cape.
One is to build a new clinic for the people of Grabouw.
But here's the surprise.
Years ago I started a church in a city prison called "Sun City" and my second long term project is almost identical to yours.

We want to buy a farm and build an empowerment center on it.
Then we will approach the juristic department of the government to send all of the short term prisoners to the farm, instead of to jail.
Guys that are convicted for minor crimes.
They will be empowered with new skills at the farm and receive training to run their own small businesses selling agricultural produce from the farm. A percentage of their sales will go back to the farm for self sustainability.

Marian and I both burnt out after 17 years with Papillon in the city and we also had to seek change urgently. The invite from the lady at the farm to move down here came as a hidden blessing.

And so, I think our stories are very similar don't you?
All of the best for what you guys are trying to do over there.

If you are interested in what we are doing, have a look at this post that I have placed now.

Howdy again sir papilloncharity! yes we have very similar plans, that is so cool! In fact there is a 10 acre plot behind us with no one living on it and we want to buy that and put a half way house farm and garden on it with similar training that you are
talking about! lol. I that project is a few years down the road though.

oh yes, ministry will kill you off for sure, you could work 24 hours a day! I'm glad you did a post on what you're doing, I'll get to it.

Howdy Sir @janton, one important thing that I have learnt at Papillon. Don't try to do it all by yourself. Surround yourself with experts in the different fields and let them do the work.
Only keep your finger om the pulse.

howdy this fine Sunday sir papilloncharity! Did you teach or preach somewhere today?

I agree totally with your philosophy about letting experts do their work. Unfortunately I don't have
that luxury with work around the property but that's okay, it keeps me learning and on the farm we always did everything ourselves even if we didn't know how to do it.

But your situation, experts cost the most money, are you able to get them to donate their time?

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