in #esteem6 years ago


Hi beautiful and handsome Steemians.. I'll be talking about ideas today.......

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Processionary caterpillars travel in long, undulating lines, one creature behind another. Jean-Henri Fabre, the French naturalist who died in 1915, once led a group of these caterpillars onto the rim of a large flowerpot, so that the lead caterpillar actually touched the last caterpillar in the procession, forming a complete circle. In the centre of the flowerpot Fabre placed pine needles, a main source of food for such creatures. With an ample supply of food close at hand and plainly visible, for seven days and nights the caterpillars circled the flowerpot until they died from exhaustion and starvation. Why? Because these mentally programmed creatures refused to veer off the beaten path.

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People can always behave in a similar way. Habitual patterns and ways of thinking become deeply established, and it seems easier and more comforting to continue these thought patterns than to cope with change –even when change represent freedom and achievement. With regard to success, so many people miss the boat because it’s less tedious to
“follow the follower” and question the qualification of those “leaders” just ahead than it is to take the road less travelled and engage in independent, constructive thinking. The toughest thing for people to fathom is that individuals in such large numbers can be so wrong –just like those caterpillars who travelled in circles to their death, with food and life just a short distance away. If most people are living that way, they contend, it must be right. At one time or another, most of us have fallen prey to this type of thinking.

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But a little checking will reveal that throughout recorded history, it comes to the subject of achievement and progress, this one idea holds true: “the crowd is always wrong!”

Experts have pointed out that the average individual conjures up at least four ideas a year, any of which would lead to a modest fortune. Unfortunately, only few turn their dreams into reality. But for those men and women who do, they come to share common traits and qualities: they determine the agenda; they set the pace; and they dominate the field of play.

You can have anything that you want if you only help enough people get what they want. –Joe Dudley

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Do you realize that nothing has yet been done perfectly? Everything in the world remains to be done or done over. A major magazine recently reported that one out of every four products advertised in a particular issue was a liitle more than an idea or an experimental laboratory project ten years ago.
Today, more money is invested in research and development in a single year than was spent during the first 150 years of our nation’s history.

• No one product has ever been manufactured, distributed, advertised, or sold as efficiently as it might be or someday will be.

As we comb the globe, there isn’t a perfectly managed business, organization, institution, or government. The greatest picture has yet to be painted. The most touching poem has not been written. The best way to train salespeople, an easy way to stay slim, a cure for baldness, a better mousetrap –all of these problems are still unsolved. Psychology, sociology, and economics are still being revised. Physics, mathematics, and chemistry await another Einstein or George Washington Carver. Languages and the arts that await another Ralph Ellison and Romare Bearden.

Nothing is known completely and positively –nothing has been done finally and right –everything changes. So the world waits, and then moves forward in surges as here a man and there a woman makes a fresh and daring discovery or proposes some bold new idea.

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Most of these contributions to social and scientific progress come from creative individuals who have the courage and strength to challenge and break the bonds of conventional, routine thinking. In this swift-moving world, there is tremendous opportunity for the man or woman who will use more of his or her mental powers.

Begin now to use your mind to think about those things that can be done or need to be done.

Ask yourself the following critical questions:

• How can I improve myself so that I can become a better person?
• How can I get along better with my customers, colleagues, friends, and family?
• What can I do to increase my value and advance faster in my organization?
• How can I generate new ideas for advancing my profession or improving my business or industry?

By asking these questions you’re taking the vital early steps in the creative process. You’re beginning to exercise your mind and put your creative powers to work. As you search for new answers, you begin to add zest and interest to your life. You feel transformed, revitalized, and renewed with a newfound energy. Yes, you have a gold mine between your ears, but you must dig out that rarest of all precious gems –your creative genius.

Ideas are things...

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