in #esteem6 years ago


There is an adage that says "it's a foolish man that do same thing repeated expect a change",many do wish they are someone else,but its not possible you just have to be the real you,many do want to be different but they not changing their lifestyle,you need a change.
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Wilson is an integrity man,he is a carpenter by profession,he do works from morning to night but earns very little money which is not enough to feed his family,he believes being a poor man is a normal way of life,because that is how his forefathers are also living,carpentry work is his forefathers job also and they manage their way of life.
Wilson continue working hard as usual but all to no avail,his children are drop outs,it got to an extent that Wilson was fed up with his way of life,but he has nothing to do than to continue with his life because he believe his problem has no source.
People living around Wilson are successful people,they are making it in life but Wilson case is different,he decided to work more harder to meet up with people around him but instead the situation got worsen.
Wilson gave up to situation of life,he couldn't just help it than to give up,many people do thought he is a lazy man,but that's not true,Wilson know in himself that he is not lazy,he works even more harder than most of the people living around him.
Wilson is mocked by his peers because they believe he doesn't work at all but not until he was invited to a seminar that was titled "steps to become a successful man",Wilson went attended the seminar,and they spoke about a topic that relates with his own situation and they made mention of the adage that says "its a foolish man that do same thing repeatedly and expect a change",those words touched his heart and went home and thought about what he heard earlier but decided to do some thing different.
Wilson went ahead and took a loan,he started a small business and made little money from it which seems a little different from his carpentry income,he do attends entrepreneur's seminar,and improve his business ,his business got bigger and he got successful.

  • If you need a change,you have to make a change.
  • Never underestimate yourself that you are not up to task.
  • Never let people bring you down or discourage you.

Try to take look at thing in another prospective in a way very different from others,always try to be different and stand out because if you stand out people will notice you and they can appreciate,imitate and follow your footsteps,try to make things of your own,and make people like you because people like those that are different,your today problems,sorrows and challenges that you are facing at be as a result of you doing things repeatedly,try to make a change and standout for you to be noticed.


Always use captivating pictures , learn to use you own pictures too. Nice write up.

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