
Encouraging to see Democrats take the House, and 100 women elected! Might be safe to begin to hope, again...

Yes I agree that taking back the house is key, and they many elected who show how we are valuing performance over existing paradigm. However, I found the results disheartening overall.

I am shocked at the number of white women who vote against their own interests, and the still strong support for the current administration - who are these people?!!! I'm just so baffled at those who support this fixation on winning rather than on governing.

It's baffling, and emotionally exhausting. Trying to be engaged while practicing self-care and remaining creative, so I can function in this vindictive and, at times, hostile environment...

It is good to see more females in politics. However, I think the focus should be more on getting politicians who will actually go about bettering the country rather than just making promises they have no intention of ever keeping.

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