The cause of the burning tree is caused by one of the currents that has great power
Penyebab pohon terbakar di sebabkan oleh salah satu arus yang memiliki kekuatan besar. Salah satunya karena tegangan tinggi halilintar yang menerjang pohon tersebut.
Kenapa pohon jadi sasaran amukan halilintar? Hal ini disebabkan pohon tinggi menjulang ke atas, pohon paling dekat dengan langi jadi saat ada halilintar kita bisa menghindari pohon yang berpotensi di terjang halilintar
The cause of the burning tree is caused by one of the currents that has great power. One of them is because of the high voltage of lightning that hit the tree.
Why are the trees being targeted by thunderstorms? This is due to the high tree towering up, the tree closest to the langi so when there is a thunder we can avoid the potential tree in the lightning lunge