Expand Gratitude Reduce Complaining

in #esteem5 years ago

When You Think That Your Problem Is the Toughest in the World ... !!
Then You Need To Look Out There Are More
The weight of his life

A man only needs to be poor once, so he knows which woman really loves him.
A woman just needs to be ugly once, to know which man won't leave him.
And humans only need to fall once, to know who really cares.

And in the end we feel peaceful,
because whatever we do comes from good and sincere intentions of a clean and peaceful heart ...

The farmer's studio

This Sunday is my first day meeting the morning sun in my field in Lawu, after my arrival yesterday with the evening sun at Lawu.
After a night of difficulty sleeping because I fought a full-moon mountain wind of Vesak, today I woke up late, at nine o'clock in the morning. People in the studio where I spent the night went to the fields, I was left in a studio alone.
They left without a message, only left me alone for breakfast; black coffee, klobot cigarettes, a serving of jipang vegetable rice and vegetable genjer, and srundeng kacang.
The studio that I visited was actually the private home of a pair of vegetable and herbal medicine farmers. It's just that I prefer to call it a "pamujan studio", because when I first stopped in this house many spiritual actors gathered; from Madiun, Kediri and Bali.
They every morning, evening, and night worship the nature and the goib and tell a romantic story about the glory of the archipelago at the farmer's house I visited.
While they adore that somehow, I adore the great. I adore farmers who have given me rice.

The first time I met the spiritualists at Punden Bancolono Cemorosewu one day after returning from Surabaya late at night and cold.
The choice at that time was to spend the night at the An-Nur Cemorosewu mosque or at the Mount Lawu climbing post, or at Punden Bancolono.
Kulongok The lights climbing post has been extinguished, a sign that no one has stayed up late. Because 'my disbelief in takmir mosque' and because of 'my faith in the universe' I chose to stay in Punden, that's where I met spiritual practitioners, we had a lot of talk about goib and prophecy, then I asked them to stop by the studio, which he called the hostess the 'hut'.
And indeed his house resembles a hut; with asbestos roofs, with zinc walls, some are still floored. Even though his house is very simple but his guests are many.
I was counted as a guest but had been considered my own family since I first met. As someone who has been considered as his own family, waking up too late as at home.

Despite the shame of waking up late, but based on lazy and dreamer, shame will soon get an apology; "they need to mess with my dreams, maybe that's why they didn't wake me up when they were about to go to work in the fields, they even gave me offerings for breakfast".
How well mountain people still believe in ancestral predictions and revolutionary dreams. But I realize, I am now living with hard workers, so I must be hard on myself, be a hammer for me to defeat my peace and win the inner worker, poor poor farmers. Today all I can do is arrange the studio, clean the rest of the full moon sajen last night, tidy up dry twigs and pieces of wood for fires and stoves, and dry the herbs, even though the sun is still covered in Lawu mist.
Yes, today I am only a maid, there is no important thing I do, only sincerity that makes it important. And the most important thing I did today was to write and write this diary for you..

My dear.

Congratulations on reading to all your friends.

hopefully this is useful and we can take the essence.

we always have to be grateful.

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