Who is the Determinant of the Gender of the Child? From his Father Or Mother?

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Until recently, it was believed that the sex of the baby was determined by the mother's cells. Or at least, it is believed that this sex is determined jointly by male and female cells.

But we are told different information in the Qur'an, which states that male or female sex is created "from semen when it is transmitted".

"It is he Who created the pairs of men and women, from the sperm, when it is transmitted." (Qur'an, 53: 45-46)

Branches of evolving science such as genetics and molecular biology have scientifically justified the accuracy of the information provided by this Qur'an.

It is now known that sex is determined by the sperm cells of the male body, and that women have no role in the process of determining this sex.

Chromosomes are a key element in the determination of sex.
Two of the 46 chromosomes that determine the shape of a human are known as genital chromosomes. These two chromosomes are called "XY" in men, and "XX" in women.

This naming is based on the shape of the chromosome that resembles the shape of these letters.
The Y chromosome carries genes that encode male properties, while the X chromosome carries genes that encode female characteristics.

The formation of a new human begins with the cross-linking of one of these chromosomes, which in men and women are in pairs.

In women, the two parts of the sex cell, which divide into two during ovulation, carry the X chromosome. In contrast, a male's genital cells produce two different sperm cells, one containing the X chromosome, and the other containing the Y chromosome.

If an egg X chromosome of this woman joins a sperm carrying a Y chromosome, then the baby to be born is male.

In other words, the sex of the baby is determined by which type of chromosome from the man who joins the female ovum.

None of this information can be known until the discovery of genetics in the 20th century.
Even in many societies, it is believed that the sex of the baby is determined by the woman.
This is why women are blamed when they give birth to a baby girl.

However, thirteen centuries before the discovery of human genes, the Qur'an has revealed information that abolishes this superstitious belief, and states that women are not the determinants of the sex of the baby, but the semen of the man who determines the sex of the baby.

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