
howdy I had to be offline for awhile, oh I see it was only 23 minutes ago that you wrote, ok good...yeah what kind of camera or cameras did you have in your travels? I take it they weren't all digital like we have nowadays?

I got my first digital camera in 2001, but those first little point and shoots seemed miraculous at the time, but were nothing compared with what we have today!
Ok... I I'm off for a while. I've got some things I need to do before I head to bed and it has been a pleasure chatting with you tonight! thanks!

well the pleasure is all mine melinda010100 and look what a great start you got on building your comment numbers and characters for the League! lol. mine are getting really low so I need to slow down or they'll never recover by tomorrow! thanks so much for the conversation and I hope you have a great night!

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