
yes Ma'am dang near impossible! Well it seems like the push on steemit anyway is to grow your own food and everything is organic of course and I feel bad for city people in an apartment or something who have no access to organic food.
Did you guys used to garden or were you gone too much?

I always had a garden when we farmed and when my kids were growing up. I don't have enough some light down here in the woods to grow very much. I had some herbs growing in pots out on the deck and a tomato plant, which really didn't get enough sunlight and really didn't do very well. Thank goodness for my CSA farm. They do a great job!

hey Melinda you grew up on a farm, did your husband too?

Neither of us did! I was a small town girl and my kids dad was born in Chicago where his father owned a trucking company. When we got married his dad was of the opinion that land was the best investment, and he helped out with the purchase of 350 acres for us. So there we were. Farmers!

ahhahaha! oh man....instant farmers. You gotta have some good stories from those day!

Lots of stories! We stayed married for 20years and he now lives in the Black Hills! We are friends and I am expecting him to come for a visit sometime this month. We do a lot of reminiscing. It's always pretty amazing that I remember half the story and he remembers the other half.

Has your wife started her new job yet? What hours will she be working?

oh wow! you stayed friends..that is unusual, it's a great thing though, I'm proud of you for being able to do that! Most people become so bitter and hateful when, in most cases, it doesn't have to be that way.

Mrs. J hasn't started her job yet. she just got her "combat" boots in today. lol. sounds so funny, this whole thing is just too weird. But anyway..the administrator lady who she meets with next is on vacation this week so Monday Mrs. J talks to her and sets up an appointment where the administrator finishes the hiring process and we don't know what that means, and sets up a time for her to meet somebody else...maybe the uniform people.
And when she meets the administrator she brings all her paperwork in from the testing and finger printing and physical and something else I think..oh, and the administrator makes an appointment with the payroll people so she can go see them.

We've never seen so many hoops to jump through.
The hours..well we won't know for 6 weeks but the first 6 weeks is tough because it's not set hours and it's 12 hour shifts either mornings or thirds and that first 6 weeks she works both shifts at different times so she won't have a set schedule so that's gonna be rough.

And then when she is assigned a set schedule we are praying that it won't be third shift because that's tough as I'm sure you know, I worked thirds for about 25 years.

We were able to be friends again because he got help with his drinking problem and no longer is using alcohol or drugs. The kids have some bad childhood memories, and are not particularly fond of him, but they will come visit him if he's at my house. So I usually plan a meal and invite everyone and that way he gets to spend a little time with the kids and the grandkids. The last time he was here, last fall, we went out for a drive and went past many of the places that had been important to us as kids growing up in this area. It was fun to reminisce-- we have a lot of history together.

Her new job is going to be really challenging, isn't it? I really hope it is satisfying work and that she likes it enough to put up with all of the inconvenience of the hours they expect her to work, and all of the rules that I imagine go along with that job.

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