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RE: Sad News - Steem Might Be Over for Me

in #esteem5 years ago

i think mitrado is a good person, and usually only attacks when he has been attacked (and he gets attacked by bernie a lot)... kawaiicrush i know little but i saw he tried to help people who constantly get flagged... i know nothing about the third person...

about llfarms i kno little except that i see her verbal support of bernies flag rages, that i disapprove of...

trincowsky just loves art and stuff please leave him be...

i hope that third opinion settles it...


If you actually read the post you will actually see that mitrado was the one who started attacking people in the first place. I’ve never attacked him first, but he has to me countless times.

I have also never supported the Bernie account doing malicious flags and have stated so publicly repeatedly as well as tried to stop them.

I’m glad you like people who go around making death threats, perhaps you should do some reading before you make a comment like this trying to pass it off as fact though.

Trincowski seems to still be posting and I haven’t flagged him or asked anyone to (I actually asked people not to).In fact it seems the flags he got on the other posts were just from someone who had voted the post in the first place.

Your opinion is great, but the idea that “mitrado is a good person that only attacks when he’s been attacked” is incorrect and can be seen all over the chain.

If you like trincowski, vote him. But please don’t include me in comments where you clearly have no earthly idea what you are talking about.

all im seeing so far is u got upset because he flagged u in a rude way? also i dont see the upvote as a good evidence as trincowsky also regularely upvotes my posts and so did i upvote mitrados posts as he got flagged a ton to a point he could not use his steem account anymore... so far u only shown they used to share accounts...

can u give me the link about the death threats u say u recieved and further evidence u say u have.... cuz death threats is a serious accusation if they are true....

Are you serious right now? A flag I didn’t like? Read the top comment on my post and maybe go do a bit of research into the mitrado account. I won’t be spending my time finding things for you if you are unable to even simply read what has been written and do some searching.

Yes the accounts are connected. I have no way to know if he shared them and neither do you.

Hey maybe I’m sharing this account with an insane person too.. so tomorrow if I rage at you and call you a cunt.. it was just my friend.. sound good?

Have a lovely day.

in steem you can insert links in your comments by just inserting the name of the link in square brakets and then inserting the link in round brakets... u say on ur page ur a "crypto newb" so perhaps u ddint know that...

also the stuff on ur page is far too much and im not intending to scroll that much down, so i assume if u make such heavy accusations such as death threats u had those links already to show that...

also realize even though this is the internet you are still talking to a human on the other end of the line... im only trying to settle things here and i never done shit to you... therefore i would like to ask you to use a bit more polite tone...

You literally just stated that you are not willing to read the post where I show the evidence and then are trying to imply I’m being rude by not linking them here for you specially.

There is no tone in text, it’s text. I could be yelling right now and you would have no clue.. or singing jingle bells while I write this. I’m starting to understand why you came to his defense.

Here is the comment I asked you to read, it’s in the post that I asked you to read.. that would answer your questions. The post shows how trincowski and mitrado accounts are linked, but yes he says he shared it so he’s clearly not responsible for anything the account did.

In case you don’t want to click, here are some examples of mitrado.




And of course his friends account he had no control of.


I didn’t come to you and try to tell you to not support your friend, but your original comment (to me) was extremely flawed and you seem to not want actual facts in the slightest, which is fine.

As I said, have a lovely day.

i ask again... do you have evidence that YOU have recieved death threats and were an INNOCENT victim of mitrados posts?

i dont see ur name in those comments... its bernie and his supporters in those comments... ive seen plenty of hate speach from bernie and his trolls even under my posts... maybe mitrado is the wrong person for u to flag? perhaps start with bernie?

I’m llfarms, love... and those comments are to me (on both accounts). Anything else?

also your tone kind of hurt my feelings there.

Yes maybe mitrado is just a nice young man who was attacked and he returned the favor... even though the blockchain shows he started every single one of those. Clearly it may be lying though.

who knows i might be singing i might be dancing while writing... i was emphasizing parts of the sentence to bring certain parts of information across...

if u are flagging him under the cover of calling it abuse then do flag all abuse equally no matter if its bernies abuse or mitrados abuse... i can understand mitrados as i have seen bernie attack people who simply posted they have survived major bombings in the middle east and mitrado was not able to use his steem account at all...

and i have been flagged by bernies rage attacks as well and simply writing about issues he does not like will earn you a flag and hatefull comments... so dont tell me that he starts issues... this is just censorship...

also im not convinced that trinkowsky has anything to do with it, so i would appreaciate if u leave him out of this...

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