in #esteem5 years ago

I have a photo of beautiful nature ( trees, road, sky, ... ) and a poetry:


Charming Spring
Reminiscent melodies
serenade the morning breeze.

Feathered creatures nest with care
in cherry blossoms pink and fair.

Perfumed scent of roses flow.
Tiny blades of green grass grow.

Misty showers soak the earth,
glorious colors come to birth.

Gathering clouds come and go,
rain, sun, and vibrant bow.

Dainty petals, fancy flair,
dancing in the warm, sweet air.

Violets, yellows, purest white,
graceful, gentle, welcomed sight.

Thank you, oh sweet lovely Spring,
patiently waiting the charms you bring!
By Patricia L. Cisco


Quote by Camille Pissarro:
"It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover, to your surprise, that you have rendered something in its true character."

Thank you for your time,
I will appreciate to read your warm comments,
Thank you


I love the spring season. Nature feels alive and recharging. Your poetry describes the spring perfectly.

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