Review of the song titled. news to friends.

in #esteem6 years ago

tonight I would like to write an article about Ebiet G. Ade's song entitled News to Friends.
This paper is to describe the song and want to express some of the human values ​​contained in this song.

Perjalanan ini
Trasa sangat menyedihkan
Sayang engkau tak duduk
Disampingku kawan

Banyak cerita
Yang mestinya kau saksikan
Di tanah kering bebatuan

Tubuhku terguncang
Dihempas batu jalanan
Hati tergetar menatap kering rerumputan

Perjalanan ini pun
Seperti jadi saksi
Gembala kecil
Menangis sedih

Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
Ketika di kutanya mengapa
Bapak ibunya tlah lama mati
Ditelan bencana tanah ini

Sesampainya di laut
Kukabarkan semuanya
Kepada karang kepada ombak
Kepada matahari

Tetapi semua diam
Tetapi semua bisu
Tinggal aku sendiri
Terpaku menatap langit

Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya

Mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana

Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan
Melihat tingkah kita
Yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa

Atau alam mulai enggan
Bersahabat dengan kita
Coba kita bertanya pada
Rumput yang bergoyang

February 20, 1979, the crater sinila erupted before the dawn, due to the earthquake. Eruption was issued a toxic gas polluted air around the countryside. There are 149 deaths. Not only human, livestock was also be a victim of natural disasters it.

natural disaster that occur in the middle of the beauty of nature Dieng apparently inspire ebiet G Ade to make a song titled 'news to friends'.

From the lyrics of this song, it reminds us that people can improve themselves, become someone who respects, respects and loves the natural work that God has given. The natural beauty that is unrivaled is now undermined by humans, so natural disasters such as floods often hit our country.
Suffering due to natural disasters is very close to our eyes, because it happens in our country. Why can such a big disaster occur? Nobody wants a disaster to happen. Then why does this all happen? Let's ask ourselves, our families, communities, nations and our country and everyone who inhabits this country. Both leaders and ordinary people. What really happened?

Ebiet G Ade put himself in the story while traveling to his hometown, but when he saw the hometown which was now sad, surprised and disappointed, especially when he met a small shepherd who was afflicted with grief because both parents were gone, he wanted to tell the condition of the hometown of his friend (who is none other than the lover of the song), but unfortunately his best friend is not on the side, so with all the raging senses in the soul, he decides to go to the sea, he overflows all the raging feelings in the soul, why disaster struck his hometown, with all his despair like an unintelligent person asking things around him, then he pondered whether this disaster was due to human error that was proud and unaware of all the sins that had been committed.

By @latifah1

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