"Almost" Won’t Do

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


Thought For The Day: Nobody gets blessings from God for almost obeying Him.

Almost every adult can recollect some moments when he/she came so close to a targeted goal but, alas, missed it. Such near misses often bring a sense of regret and dissatisfaction. The bigger the thing at stake and the closer the attempt, the more painful the memory of the incident. Even with a“consolation prize”for your effort, you are still tormented by the forfeiture of the coveted prize. One lesson learnt from such experience is that “Almost” is not enough.

In the Days of the Bible the Lord gave the Israelites an instruction concerning clean and unclean animals. God required that they eat only clean animals-animals that part the hoof, are cloven-footed and chew the cud. Any animal that did not meet the three criteria was unclean and was not to be eaten. Similarly, fishes with no fins and scales were to be regarded as abominable.

Such ceremonial laws are not applicable to us. But we can get and learn some principles from the narrative. Observe that some animals almost made the list of clean animals.

The camel chews the cud but has no parted hoof; the swine has parted hoof, is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud. They were considered unclean. Almost is not enough in this case.
There is a spiritual dimension of this truth. Like Agrippa, ‘many sinners are “almost persuaded” to be Christians'. By the overwhelming evidence before them, they are convinced and convicted about repentance and yielding to the Lord, but certain considerations have kept them from taking that necessary step.

Today, there may be something that the Lord has laid in your heart to accomplish or act of simple obedience he expects of you. Allowing alternative considerations will lead to disobedience. Almost won’t do it; be persuaded and yield.

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