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RE: Market Friday: art work and wall paintings at the Grand Palace, งานศิลปและภาพฝาผนังที่วัดพระแก้ว

in #esteem4 years ago

Yes! Hundreds of thousands years ago, many creatures were half man, half animal! They could understand the same language.

These were the times as far back as the fallen cities of Atlantis and Lemuria!

This present human dominated world is the fourth era of living things on planet earth! This phase will also disappear in the future. The fifth era would be the last one!


Howdy sir kaminchan! You mean humans will disappear from the earth?

Yep! And a new kind of human being will turn up! These would be very special breed of beings with high level of spirituality and they would all live in peace and harmony for eons.

But we still have a few thousand years left before the Great War will perish all!
Wait a few thousand years!! LoL

That is very interesting sir kaminchan, I think we could use a new kind of human being right now!

Oh! No! This is fate or destiny; things go according to karmic rules! Cause and effect!

But we will continue to reincarnate! You won’t remember your past lives!

It's probably good not to be able to remember your past lives!

Oh! Yes! You are spot on!

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