RE: Busy day:shopping and prepping due to coronavirus spreading around the world, เตรียมรับมือวิกฤตโรคโคโรนาไวรัสทั่วโลก
Thank you so much for your moral support. It is quite sad seeing many small businesses suffering badly from the impact of this coronavirus. Big companies could cushion the impact for several months.
Luckily, the Health Minister is a doctor and he has a brilliant team of supporters. They started working proactively at the sound of the alarm. But some politicians are still inept about the real danger!
Lots of aids had been sent to China but you are talking about medical equipments for around ten million potentially infected people plus several big hospitals which are already overrun by patients! It’s sad thinking that at least five millions people will perish around the world at least!
We are still lucky the spread of the virus has been controlled or limited at the moment! But I don’t know for how long!
Got to get the rest of the needed supplies again today!
We need to pray and contemplate more! Those suffering patients are in need of compassionate vibes.
You should get some vitaminC supply! It’s needed to prevent the virus from latching on to your T-cells. Tons are being shipped to Wuhan right now!
Thanks so much for all your kind concern and great moral support.
I’ll have to send messages to people I know to start prepping now!
Take care.