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RE: Cryptos are on the way up, it’s time to get all your coins out of the exchanges.

in #esteem5 years ago

Thank you very much for your visit and kind comment.
I haven’t tried these two wallets yet! I will look at these somehow. It’s best to have wallet for desktop and laptop with blockchain. Most wallets on mobile phones are not based on blockchain.
I have tested Exodus several ways including transferring to a new laptop! The team behind this wallet is very intelligent and professional in their business approach.

Posted using Partiko iOS


I see. Yes. You have a very good point. Maybe a decentralized DEX would be the best with encrypted wallets that are stored offline.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think you are quite a serious investor in cryptos as you obviously have ample funds. This is all very new to me as I have very little funding for cryptos though I realise they are the future of money.

DEX seems so good and to answer investor’s need. Could you pare veritasium and Theta with other main stream cryptos on DEX?!

Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well...I looked up VERI and THETA and they weren't there on the Coinomi wallet. Coinomi has a lot of coins, but these two weren't there. In this case, we definitely have to download the wallets specifically from their website. I see no other way at this point. I may have some funding, but I'm always learning every day because I kinda jumped into crypto quite late. I have only been into crypto for about 1 1/2 years (after the 2017 Bitcoin incident). But I do know that crypto is unstoppable and only headed towards a bright future.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks so much for your research! I am newer to cryptos as I just started to look at it about a year ago! I was quite reluctant at first with lots of fear. There are so many scams here and lots of people got burnt trying get rich quick!

It’s impossible to get these two coins from the exchanges in Thailand. I’d better stick to more Litecoin!

I am afraid that the shock of this shift to crypto world will be immense to most people here. It’s very difficult to tell friends and families to prepare fir what’s coming in the near future. Only the well educated with open mind and those in top corporate businesses will do very well here.

Good luck to your bright and secured future!
Live long and prosper!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you so much for your previous comment! I have learned lots of new things today! Searching on the internet gave me infor about the bug in the first wallet you mentioned. The second one is very interesting as its link to Visa which means it’s very convenient and risky at the same time. It’s exciting to learn new things!

I really don’t trust those main stream corporate companies and people as they often have hidden agenda and worked under higher up’s order! This is a dark world of control we live in and it seems we have no escape!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I didn't know that the Coinomi wallet had a bug in it. I do notice that on the default settings, the wallet isn't locked like most wallets are. Usually you have to have a pin number to open any wallet. And of course, a pin number can be set, but shouldn't that the default? I've downloaded the wallet, but i kinda feel apprehensive in actually using it. That's why I was asking. Yes, wirex can be used on the go for example when travelling. If I were to go to Thailand, this is what I would use to make payments. Yes, people and their companies can be hard to trust sometimes. However, at least we have the blockchain to view where the money goes

Posted using Partiko Android

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