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RE: Wednesday walk on the boardwalk and Make me smile challenge collaboration results and Steem Basic Income Give away

in #esteem5 years ago

Did I tell you, that my second name is Rudolf? So, I am also a Rudy - why am I not lucky and why don't I have such a beach? lol

Of course, somebody might find him gorgeous, I did not mean to be mean. But I would have preferred if he had put on the shirt ;) lol


Lol of course I meant really not Rudy
Is that really your middle name one of my recent previous and long time bosses was a Rudy
I know what you mean about the guy I was just being silly

I thought, this was another saying - "Rudy lucky" sounds nice, doesn't it?

Do you like this boss? If you do, then "yes, it is my middle name" if not, then forget it ;)

I know, and I usually don't care how other people look like, but he simply did not fit in the beautiful photo ;) lol

As for liking the boss yes and no lol

I do see what you mean about that guy in the photo

Gidday my friend 😊
OK, my middle name is Rudolf, but nobody ever calls me Rudy ;)
But he makes the photo somehow special - he adds a meaning into it 😉

Well I won’t ever call you Rudy
Since we are talking names I think you know most people call me JJ not my given name of John which I don’t like but the JJ could be JJJ my parents gave me the name John Joseph and when I was confirmed in the church I picked James as my third name 😂

Hi, thank you - if ever you should make a joke and call me Rudy, then please be aware, that you won't get a reply ;) lol

Yes, JJ, I know about the two J's, but I don't think, I would call you JJJ, because whoever might read my comments would think, that I make typos ;)

Lol don’t worry on an hour I will have forgotten the Rudy name 😂
And JJ is fine three Js would look like a typo

I take you by the word 😉

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