
in #esteem6 years ago
Wolf. weitzel & Fuerst (1989: 354) in the basic - basic science of nursing, interpret ulcer decubitus is an area of the dead network due to lack of blood stream area is concerned. decubitus derived from the Latin which means lying. lying not always cause bedsore.



therefore, some people prefer the term wound Press the (pressure afternoon) because press which is a major cause of the ulcer decubitus.

a. changes pathological pathological.

changes in place ulcer decubitus due terlipatnya blood vessels, especially arteries and capillary in the area affected ulcer decubitus. if the flow of blood hampered, then sel- cell not received enough nutrients and garbage results metabolism buried so difficult transported. finally dead cells, skin broke and there was a hole shallow and luka.tanda first showing the ulcer decubitus is the skin depressed White and pale and not pink as healthy skin. shortage of blood disuatu body part because of blood stream unfavorable called ischemic. if the pressure minus, then ischemic soon followed by hyperemia, the flow of blood in the number of many in the area tersebut.daerah it then look Red and warm as take place hyperemia which is a mechanism to counterbalance. can be said that the blood flooded the area to give nutrients and get rid of garbage results metabolism. symptoms is called reactive hyperemia. pressure heavy shifted to the opposite direction often is the cause of ulcer decubitus. heavy pressure it occurs when the network layer downtrodden each other. blood vessels small and blood vessel capillary so stretch and can be broken, resulting in at least blood flow in the network cells under the skin. finally looks torn small in skin that cause death of the network below.

b. degrees ulcer decubitus

  1. degrees I: ischemic, hyperemia returning although prisoners removable, indurasi no.

  2. degrees II: redness settled, there edema, there are indurasi, blisters (blister), there erosion.

  3. degrees III: there lesions open and holes to subcutaneous tissue, fascia look at the base ulcers.

  4. the degree of the fourth: necrosis extends through fasiadan can be reached the bone. can occur periostitis, osteotitis, osteomyelitis. (carpenito, l.j, 1998) D. the occurrence of ulcer decubitus according M. bouwhuizen (1986) in nursing mention places often danger ulcer decubitus are:

  5. in the people at positions supine: on the back of the head, the scapula, the buttocks and heel.

  6. in patients with position sloping: area pnggir head (especially ear), shoulder, elbow, the groin, leather ankle and the top of jari- toes.

  7. patients with the position of his stomach: forehead, upper arm, ribs, knee. E. factors that cause ulcer decubitus Lynda juall capernito (1998: 749) in nursing diagnosis mention some factors that affect the ulcer decubitus / damaged the integrity of the skin, namely:. common factor: a. pressure: Press with the power down area given breakfast. rips: damage parallel, a vertical, horizontal and longitudinal where one layer network move towards the opposite. C.. maceration: mechanism which the network be soft as soaked too long or submerged, so the epidermis easy erosion D. friction: physiological process. if the skin tegosok against linen / bed linen, the epidermis can bare with abrasio

  8. the factors pediatric a. newborn generally shows the variation of the skin normal breakfast. some skin that general mengenaianak- of children at age group specific (atopic, seborrheic and dermatitis) C.. infants and children who have the epidermis thin.

  9. factors Gerontology a. elastin that provide flexibility skin decreased as age. breakfast. the power of the skin decreased, related to the loss of collagen of the dermis. C.. some of the elderly shows skin shiny, slack, thin. D. subcutaneous fat reduced in accordance with aging. Hey. conditions lead to the malnutrition common in the elderly. F. health conditions elderly can cause immobilisasi.

  10. factors transkultural a. getting dark skin someone more difficult to assess the change the color of the skin. basic data skin color have studied in the area less pigmentasinya, for example: hands, feet, stomach, and butt (Fuller & schaller, agers 1990 in capernito, 1998) breakfast. all skin color has tone Red underlying. pale can be reviewed on the mucous membranes, lips, nails, the conjunctiva, and the eyelid below (Boyle & Andrew in capernito, 1998) C.. to assess the rash and inflammation in black, nurses must be sensitive at the time palpation for warmth and indurasi.

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