
howdy hananali! haha! yeah that camel coat there looks a little rough, I'm sure smithlabs could repair that since he specializes in repairs of any and all things! lol. I bet that would be a first for him though.

hahahaa He said he likes taking up new challenges because it makes him learn more, let's see what he can learn through this :D

Where are you @smithlabs, there is work for you man, please for your sake show up on time for once :D

haha! He's been busy with real work, real money jobs, GOOD money jobs lately so that is very good. After all, when we go see him we expect lots of good food and free gifts of steem!

True, he can take his time all he wants but we want good food and big steem gifts once we visit him :D

hahaha! like you will be coming over here to visit smithlabs! lol..that would be something. I only live 2 or 3 hours away from him, I haven't calculated it precisely but it's not very far, probably too close for him since he don't like Texans that much! lol.

haha that will actually be fun, and if our car breaks down on our way to smithlabs he can get there and repair it himself. 2 to 3 hours are nothing if you look at the amount of creativity we will be meeting there

haha! howdy today hananali! Well, you could get a great education just going there and listening to everything sir smithlabs has to say, you wouldn't even need a university degree! lol...but I don't think potential employers would agree.

Who would want to listen to the potential employers when sir @smithlabs will teach you how to fix anything and how to know everything, you can run your own business on anything. That sounds so cool

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