Voice Always You Listen in Theaters, These 8 Facts Maria Oentoe..

in #esteem7 years ago


The secret of Maria Oentoe's golden voice is to drink water.

Who would have known the secret of the mellow golden voice of Maria Oentoe is just the white water directly from the jar. Do not have a weird secret, yes it turns out! Simple but has its own characteristics.

At the age of 70, Maria Oentoe spent more time in church, training vocal people to be able to read the Bible word properly and correctly.

That's how 8 interesting facts from the life of Maria Oentoe. Salut banget, may always be healthy yes for him!


Maria Oentoe became one of the pioneers of the dubber profession on Indonesian radio ..

Already many radio dramas and television movies that use his voice, such as radio drama Saur Sepuh and Film Storm Pasti Berlalu in the 1980s ago.

Even Maria Oentoe at that time had often performed with famous actresses at that time Gladys Suwandhi, Marissa Haque, Meriam Bellina, Mieke Widjaya, Mila Karmila, and Zainal Abidin. Salute really, coo..


Starred in the movie 'Before The Morning Goes Back' in 2014 ..

Maria Oentoe also starred in the movie Before The Recurring Morning. A movie that tells the story of a family of entangled corruption, which the film was released in 2014.


Become an ad star for Go-Jek apps to get rewards ..

And recently he returned to the world of entertainment when he appeared in Go-Jek Indonesia promotional ad. So cool!

Not just an advertisement star, as one of Maria Oentoe's voice overtone subsequently received the Lifetime Achievement award from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission in 2015, telling of a new era of dubbing in the January issue of Enchantment.

Age that is no longer young does not make Maria Oentoe escape the spirit. Proven with his role in the Invisible Movie which was released on October 12, 2017.

The older, the more productive! Salute with zeal yes.
Until 1986, when Cinema 21 cinema network was pioneered, he was asked to be a voice to allow the audience to enter the theater that has been opened. To this day we still hear it when going into the movie studio. Until now, more or less already 32 years, he became a voice on the marker entered the cinema.

Surprisingly, it turns out the Cinema 21 does not give royalty to the Maria Oentoe since the legendary voice is used. The reason, because at that time the Cinema 21 and Maria Oentoe already bind unofficial promises related to the distribution of royalties.

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