Sasesahang adalat traditional musical instruments are struck into the hand but quite difficult to recognize.
The traditional musical instrument that was beaten next was Marawis. Marawis has a shape like Rebana, but the stocky shape of Marawis makes it easy to distinguish because Rebana is flat and wide. Marawis also thick with religious elements in song poetry that was brought because it contains praise to God Almighty.
The name of this traditional musical instrument is also used as a "call" group of music whose members are dominated by Marawis. One technique that attracts attention from Marawis is the Zapin technique. This accompanying punch technique is commonly used on joyous songs that sound like the instruments are reciprocated.
Marawis Game
The number of players in a Marawis group usually consists of 12- 14 players, there are more chances. In a group Marawis also have additional traditional musical instruments such as Hajir (Big drum) and mashed (Shaped like tifa)
In addition, the rhythm of Marawis music is also not arbitrary, there are techniques used to hit the marawis (there is a question and no answer) and usually there are 1/2 people who play different rhythm of their own, this is the person in charge of adjusting the tempo of the game and beautify the sound produced .
Sasesahang adalat alat musik tradisional yang dipukul ke tangan namun cukup sulit untuk kenali. Sasesahang terbuat dari bambu, saat dimainkan tangan alat musik ini dipukul-pukul ke tangan kiri sementara jari tangan kanan ditempatkan pada lubang pengatur nada. Bambu yang digunakan dalam pembuatan Sasesahang dibelah dan salah satunya dibentuk runcing seperti paruh atau sebuah garpu. Suara yang dihasilkan tidak seperti gendang melainkan seperti dengungan yang lembut didengar ditelinga.