Theoretical Construction The Ideal Type of State Intelligence

in #esteem6 years ago


The main method in the methodology of intelligence typology is
the formation of an ideal type of state intelligence. The ideal tip is a
construction complexes that can represent configuration
comprehensive a multidimensional concept.25 This construction
aimed at forming an ideal abstract model
so that the non-ideal forms of the concept are
theoretical can be identified
The use of ideal type method has three implications
for the construction of state intelligence typologies.27 First, the ideal type
intelligence describes the theoretical variations of intelligence services, not
the empirical variations of the intelligence services. Second, the ideal type of intelligence
generated based on a multidimensional concept that must be
operationalized into several empirical indicators.
Third, the ideal type of intelligence can not be used as
category of intelligence services. Any ideal type of intelligence
represents a unique combination of theoretical dimensions
shape it.
Based on this method, the framework offered by
Gill and Bar-Joseph on Intelligence-State Interactions can
serve as the first step to form an ideal type
state intelligence. Gill further sort out intelligence through glasses
sources of threat, while Bar-Joseph analyzes intelligence
through the political perspective of democratization. In this book, two
the perspective is used as the basic model of the formation of two
dimensions of state intelligence: (1) political regimes categorized
into two types: democratic and authoritarian; and (2) sources
threats are categorized into three: internal, external,
and internal-external. Using both dimensions
this, as shown in Exhibit 2.3, is an ideal type of intelligence
country can be constructed.
A two-dimensional combination offered by Gill and
The Bar-Joseph produced an inclusive typology
and complete from the Intelligence-State Interaction. Chart 2.3 which
crossing these two dimensions indicates existence
six matrices in row III representing the whole
possible theoretical variations of Intelligence-State Interactions.

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