The Love of God

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


Does anyone need comforting? Then allow me to give you some beautiful words from the saints to reflect on and may they give your hearts a much needed assurance from your cares and worries.

Everyone has moments of uncertainty because of anxiety, fears and tribulations. I have them like every one else and oftentimes have a hard time getting back on track. What has helped me greatly is reading spiritual books and looking into the lives of saints, following their advice and devotions.They have shown me in the way they have lived their lives that because of God's infinite love and mercy for us we are never left alone and without help to deal with our problems. This is especially true with those who are downtrodden and afflicted with sorrow and pain. Sometimes one wonders why God loves us so much but I can't come up with a satisfactory answer but I sure am very glad to be so loved inspite of being a sinful person.


The bible says that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. Romans 8:38-39: "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Can anyone love us like God does? Do we appreciate this undeserved love from our Creator? I believe that if we only know this truth deep in our hearts and always remember it we will never be afraid of what may come.


St. Francis de Sales states that we should not look forward to the trials and crosses of this life with dread and fear. Rather look to them with full confidence that, as they arise, God, to Whom we belong, will deliver us from them. St.Francis also says not to fear what may happen tomorrow. The same loving Father Who cares for us today, will care for us tomorrow and everyday. Either He will shield us from suffering or He will give us unfailing strength to bear it.


What comfort these words bring to a soul in strife. God loves us that even if a mother should forget her child God would never forget us. Isaiah 49:15 : “Does a woman forget the baby at her breast, or fail to cherish the son of her womb? Yet even if these forget, I will never forget you."


Indeed, these words are amazing and it will always popped up in my head the live of God that He gave us His only begotten Son ❤
Some people might think that God Our Father forsaken them, NO! He did not forsaken us beacuse it is only a challenge that He had given to us and we must be thankful to that since these challenges which is our problems will make us stronger and God will always be on our side and never abandon us. Always and Forever He will be on our side because He love us so much.

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Amen. God loves us all at all times and forever. For He is good all the time!

Thank you for your encouraging and inspiring comment.

Ngano wala si amigo nato diri, this blog is worth a good vote from them.

Bro! Nabanhaw lagi ka. Musta naman? How are things with you now that you are home permanently? I hope you have settled in and are doing fine.

Usahay naa usahay wala. Ana man na atong migo. Hard to please he he. Pero basta naa lang bisan usa na malipay okay na. Salamat sa bisita bro and welcome back.

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