Charity Need Not Be Expensive

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


[buh-nef-uh-suh ns]


  1. the doing of good; active goodness or kindness; charity
  2. a beneficent act or gift; benefaction

I came across this word recently as I was looking for something to describe gift or charity. I wanted to post an article on acts of goodness or kindness we can all do without burning a hole in our pockets. Hope you can learn something from this.

Bringing Laughter to Others

There's a saying that starts with: "Laugh, and the whole world laughs with you. . . . " Making other people laugh makes them forget their problems even just for a little while. It tends to ease tension, anxiety and fear. It cheers up the place. It shouldn't be quite difficult to do. You do not need to be a comedian to do this. Share funny stories, anecdotes, experiences. You can be corny while doing this but it doesn't really matter if you can make other people laugh.

Lending An Ear to Someone

People need other people to talk to about so many things, but usually it's about their problems. This act is called unburdening of oneself because sometimes the load the person is carrying is just too much to bear. In situations like this, it is best just to listen. Don't talk or butt in unless necessary. Sometimes an encouraging word might be necessary, or a nod or a smile here and there. If the listening is done honestly and earnestly, knowing when to say or not say anything will come automatically.

Allowing Someone To Cut In On Your Line

People nowadays are always in a hurry. They get impatient lining up at banks, supermarkets, government offices, gas stations, intersections that sometimes they jump the line. I know this act of allowing an impatient person to cut in on you in a queue might seem like a bad idea but did you ever stop to think that the person might have an emergency? She could have left her car parked illegally just so she can buy a gallon of ice cream because it's her son's birthday party and she's running late? Or while driving and another vehicle cuts in on you, will your first reaction be something like WTF@$!?*%#? or will you just shrug it off and say "I hope I helped in some way to get him there in time." If you are not in such a hurry yourself, practice this act of goodness. You may be saving a life or a marriage or a relationship or a job by allowing someone to go ahead of you.

Respecting Privacy of Others

There are times when people want to be just left alone for whatever reason: A bad day in the office or school. A quarrel with a loved one. An emotional problem. Whatever. Be cognitive of these times and give them space to work out their issues alone and in private.

Giving Praise and Recognition

Have you ever been recognized or praised for a job well done? Or complimented for wearing something nice? How did that make you feel? It felt good, didn't it? Well, you should neither be stingy with your praises and recognition for others who deserve it. Words that compliment and encourage can boost the confidence and security of most people. Help them have a good day. Give them your admiration, your approval,and commendation.

Praying For Others

As we go through life we learn that it is not a bed of roses or a bowl of peaches and cream. Misfortunes and calamaties, heartbreaks and miseries are a-plenty. We often hear that a friend is sick or is having a problem or is taking the medical board examination or is depressed because of family hardships and we just say, "Too bad." or Hope he gets better." But praying for them is an act of benificence. In 1 Peter 3:12 "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers . . ." Also in the book of Job 42:10 " And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. . . " Do not forget to pray for others. In fact, offer to pray for them when you hear they need help for anything. Do it in earnest and the Lord will hear you.

Offering Your Company

At times people who are lonely and depressed need company. Not necessarily to talk about their problems but by just being with someone. It's kind of time shared with someone where there is contentment and bonding by doing things together. The talk may come either earlier or later or not at all, but the companionship offered, the knowing they are not alone can give security and upliftment to the lonely and depressed.

Doing A Favor or A Service For Someone

Always be excited and thankful to do somebody a favor or a service. In fact, go out of your way to do so and make it a habit everyday. Has anyone ever done you a favor that you did not appreciate? Or that you did not benefit from? This is another form of beneficence or charity as they are in the form of deeds and actions beneficial to others.


Remember, always to seek out how we can help others. It does not have to be in monetary form. It can be in so many different ways as mentioned above. Have a blessed Sunday!

(All pictures are sourced from Pixabay)


People should be reading this wonderful post.
Thank you for sharing your message.

Thank you for your very heart-warming reply. These are the type of comments that inspire me to keep on posting and sharing here in our community.

Do drop by once in a while. Thanks for the visit.

Pls do keep up posting gems like this.
People will eventually see and appreciate them. Just keep on steeming! 😊

Your words are worth their weight in gold. Steemit gold to be precise. You have earned my respect and gratitude. Following you sir.

People do appreciate small acts of kindness. I have always believed it is the little things that matter in life the most.

Agree! Luke 16:10 "Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones . . . ."

That is why people who do small acts of kindness matter more to me because they are the ones you can count on for greater acts of kindness.

Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts.

For me this post is worth a curie i just dont know where are they 2 days ago and right now (:

Anyway those are great acts of kindness, maybe if all people are willing enough to entend a helping hand in any form to those who need help maybe there will be no chaos or complications.

And what I need right now from you and all the people out there is no. 6 above.

Thank you @long888 for your vote of confidence. But I think either @curie's standard is much higher than ours or there are better posts than this that they saw. The sad thing only is if they did not see it at all. But I am not discouraged. Your response is like a curie vote already bisan wala pay kuwarta. What is important is naay nakabasa og nakabenefit sa post.

Iapil ka nako sa among rosaryo starting unyang gabii. I will pray that the best case situation be granted to you by our Lord. If it is His will that you will return to the Philippines, then it will be done. I will pray for you bro everytime we say the rosary.

Kahilak man sad ta ani sir, salamat kaayo wala koy mabaylo sa imo kaayo, I have so much belief in prayers and how it could move mountains. I also see lahi ra ang outcome sa prayers nimo ug sa prayers sa uban tao para sa imo. I trust God that whatever the result it is His will.

I did not report to office today because I had some lab test and xray at the hospital this is in connection with my recurring cough, mao wala sad koy activity diri. tomorrow I will talk to my manager about my resignation I hope and pray everything will be okay.

God bless you and the whole family!

I hope everything will turn out all right with your medical. I will include that too in my prayers for you. I really believe, same as you, that prayers of others are indeed more powerful than just your own. That is why, sometimes, I offer up something together with my prayer because I just know it makes it more pleasing to the Lord.

Just PUSH bro. Keep on PUSHing.
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