Truth about BTC Futures, Tether and Bitfinex —- fraud , manipulation ? — we will see

in #esteem6 years ago



There are plenty of agencies and people lined up for class action suits if there is found to be collusion between Tether, Bitfinex and BTC Futures.

We don’t know the truth ...yet. But there is the blockchain and there is history to review. And people are putting together the pieces...see below.


Tether and Bitfinex are owned by the same people directly or indirectly and there have been plenty of You Tubers screaming from the roof tops of what will happen “once the truth is revealed.

My line of thinking is split on this. I think BIG MONEY knew exactly what was going on and it was a matter of time — almost like another planned Mt Gox incident. Crypto’s would be pressured ont he sell side by big whales knowing this is a ticking bomb and when the truth comes out — boom. What would happen one of the largest exchanges and think of the money lost.

Another part of me says “this is priced in” when it comes out. So instead of “sell on the news”’s “buy on the news”.

Does this now answer the question why after ALL the positive news the Crypto Market could not respond? We have all seen the plethora of positve news, positive moves and more but no market reaction. Meanwhile the issues with the European Union, Italin Banks, Deutche Bank and more gets worse and worse — meaning a currency issue — which would only bode well for Crypto’s.

Did the Elite need a fall guy to take things down so they can get in? This is the question and I wonder if this was the plan? After all, they needed time for their exchanges being built and Wall Street to get blessed by regulators.


Yes they are trying to manipulate the Crypto market too. The PM market is also slammed down today

That slam in the metals was unreal. So blatant.

Yes it was shocking, looks so strong going above 1300 and then down 30 bucks, and it's weekend, so we know what that was. No individual has that much gold to dump at once

Sooner or later the manipulation will be ending.

Manipulations the game. Big money in it.

You are very wise.

Did you add into this the selling of the Mt. Gox bitcoins?
Sold,... dumped on the market, at just the times when bitcoin was making a bottom.

It’s just a matter of I hope.

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