Bitcoin Price —- Are we at a “turning point” ? Short answer — YES

in #esteem6 years ago



Only my opinion — not financial advice.

OK — so are we finally at the crucial 2018 turning point for Bitcoin and the crypto market ???

Early tea leaves for September tell us the October “crypto winds” will be at our backs ...finally.

We have endured a “Crypto Winter” imposed on the crypto loyalists to shake every coin out of your others can buy.

What are those early tea leaves?

  • When is the last time we seen a crypto (Stellar) go up 100% in a week?

  • Have you seen the move in Stellar and DASH this month?

People are taking positions.

ETF’s are being debated between the SEC and Wall Street over tall martini’s.


The titans (Fidelity) have announced crypto products to be ready before 2019. Are you ready for 401k’s and IRA’s to dabble in cryptos?


More exchanges coming on-line.

More more the theme.....that does not equal price stagnation.

We are in for a very very interesting next 3 months.

What’s your opinion?


Yes starting to see some price action, today it's down a bit, i am going to buy some coins

I think this is the last quarter for down. At least this is my hope and feelings as this point.

I agree all the news is good lets hope the rising tide of money raises all markets

Thank you....fingers crossed.

BTC is holding nicely at the moment. I think they key is what happens when approach $7,500 if we are to pass that and go onto $8,000 I will be more convinced of a bull run. If not I can see long $6,000s again.

Time will tell of course. I think there are just too many factors going in the same direction that would suggest another restart.

Well..quantum sold, perhaps too early?
Checking bittrex has been very interesting these past few am looking forward to how it's gonna play.
To the moon!!

There are more examples of why it’s time. The truth is there are soo many, the question is really “why not”?
It’s not going to lose followers. The applications are not going to become less. My opinion.

Yes why not? It's being used already.
We'll see how these 3 months play up.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63493.34
ETH 2578.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79