Bitcoin and Cryptos vs the Banks —- Monopoly on currency will be ending for the banks

in #esteem6 years ago



The editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research speakS openly about the subject the main stream media refuses to discuss.

And that is the battle for what the future currency will look like. Will it be cryptos or fiat (or Central Bank cryptos)?

This is indeed a battle of huge implications. If not cryptos to replace the failing currencies we see happening around the world — then what?

Do we not see the value erosion of the US Dollar overtime ? Of course.

Do we not see the constant manipulation of gold/silver and now the crypto prices ? Of Course.

What are they afraid of? Banks have power and Central Banks control fiat currency and markets globally. Giving up that power will be a fight that will take time.

I don’t think it is one winner take all at least not for a long time. We seeing strength in the US Dollar because it’s the proverbial “cleanest shirt in the dirty clothes pile” right now.
The US cannot cast stones as the dollar is printed like never before not backed by anything.


It goes back to power. When you have the ability to print money out of thin air (legally), who is going to give that up freely?

We have no idea of the exact culprits for the Bitcoin FUD, but we can guess. And to be honest, is Bitcoin and other ready for prime time today? Not really.
Can all the assets in 401K etc move to these vehicles — not until very recently was there a custodian announcement.

Nobody is denying that the blockchain has value and the multiple financial applications but the currency part is a different story.

We see JP Morgan and Goldman positioning themselves for the future. They know what is happening. Many of them do.

This is more a game of patience.


Banks are in trouble. They will manipulate all markets till things bust wide open forcing a new system. Not necessarily a better one. remains to be seen what part fiat / crypto and precious metals will play. There are many things going on globally. Just a matter of time.

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