Are Governments “delaying” cyrpto regualtion — afraid of legitimizing cryptos”

in #esteem6 years ago



Are Governments afraid of issuing regualtions on cryptos??? Do they fear it would legitimize them?

Or is all of this just a con game as they are owned and have been told to wait until Central Banks or Institutions are ready?

It’s a big wait game.

Korea admits to delaying regualtions.

The US SEC and CFTC have been siting on their hands for months leaving little guidance for those in the ICO space.

ICO’s are a threat to existing companies and the monies made by banks when they do an IPO for a stock.
It’s impossible to know the reason but we know this can only go on for so long.

Institutions want to invest in this space. They see the returns. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan want to offer crypto services and “CONTROL” as much as they can.
I am sure the Goverments would use the above two firms to control the market if they could. We need to look no further than how they suppress precious metals everyday.

Watching this unfold is like a chess game with question after question.

If cyrpto’s are a commodity — why are the Central Banks wanting to create and issue a “commodity” — to be used as money ???? You can bet what the Central Bank would issue would be called MONEY — and therefore not TAXED. Bitcoin however they can rule it a commodity and TAX it. How does that sound?

It’s all about power and control — this is the reason for delay.

We can all see what is happening to currencies in other countries.

We can all see what happens when you print currency all day — it becomes inflationary.

We can see see that banks print money out of thin air when somebody makes a $100 deposit — they can loan out $900 (or so) for loans — they create this money out of thin air.

So all the Central Banks are coming out and conditioning the public that cryptos “Can be good” —- only if THEY do it.

My guess is they have the wild cards — and the big one is taxation.


Somehow i feel uncertain whether it is good or bad about regulations for crypto. Isn't it supposed to be a system outside of regulations?

True — but not for big money and those are responsible for placing other peoples money. There needs to be rules and safeguards for these institutions to feel safe to place $billions.

It's probably still being discussed. They don't know how to processed. Sort of like a catch 22.

So many moving parts — they like to have all bases covered and misdirection all in place.

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