Academia accepts that “crypto is here to stay” - 20% of students own some form of crypto

in #esteem6 years ago



While Warren Buffet and others are declaring that “crypto is dead”, the next generation is very interested and invested.

Who will be wrong?

A recent study amongst 600+ college students show a surprisingly strong interest in cryptos, crypto class (blockchain).
The study showed that nearly 20% had been or are invested in cryptos. I heard / read that some had even used their college loan money.

So who is wrong now?

Let’s see...Goldman is opening their crypto desk and Nasdaq is part invested in the Lightning Network for Bitcoin....and about 1000 other positive stories.

We won’t look at the negative stories of currencies losing value as we speak...but what do I know?

Students know a good thing when they see it :-)


Blockchain is quickly becoming a very interesting career path for undergrads as colleges race to bring courses to campus.

I think it’s coming like a tidal wave and I am glad to see the young embrace part of the future



Yes it is more acceptable by the younger generations. I maybe quite old in crypto world. lol

Older folks tend to like or beleive in precious metals a bit more than cryptos. Both can win.

Yes you are right Students are active in crypto matter!

Thanks ...they definitely are more open.

Its best for them!

Long term you are right :-)

Brave new world, with new money.

it is a changing world in many ways...and we are living the change.

Youth tend to get exuberant about things very easily, good to see that as time is passing universities are starting to offer courses and programs related to the field. I wish when I went to school there were programs on it, but I was terrible at comp-sci so maybe it's for the best lol.

It’s a unique time in history when the future of Money and Blockchain can really impact a person’s career choice.

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