in #esteem6 years ago
    This group comprises of microscopic single-called organisms which may occur in colonies. They are made of Eukaryotic cells having organelles and definite nuclens bounded by nuclear membrane. Organism like Amoeba, Paramecium. Trapenosoma are members of this kingdom. Other examples include algae (apart from cyanophytes) like Euglena, Chlamydomonas and; Eudorina, Pandorina and Voluox among the colonial forms.

    This is the group that contains the fungi. They are thalloid-body undifferentiated into root stem and leaves. The vegetative body is made of interwoven mass of fine thread called hyphae to form the mycelium. Chitin is the more common constituent of fungal wall than cellulose. Carbohydrate is stored as photosynthetiigment (chlorophyll) make the fungi to live heterotrophic life either by feeding or dead decaying matter as saprophytes or by living on other living organism as parasites. Examples include the common mushroom, bread mold or Mucor and Penicillin-the source of the famous antibiotic called penicillin. It is difficult to group fungi as either plants or animals and so they deserve a separate group of their own (Mycophyta) Unlike plants the:

  • Feed heterotrophically

  • Store carbohydrates as glycogen

  • Have chitin as basic cell-wall material

  • Lack chlorophyll.

    Plants are eukaryotes with multicellular body which in most cases complex and differentiated into the stem, root and leaf. They have spreading and branching body with unfixed number of parts like roots, leaves, branches, flowers e.t.c. Plants have low degree of mobility being able to move only certain parts. They lack specialized sense organs hence, they respond very slowly to external stimuli. Growth is mainly at the tips I.e branch and root apices; occurring throughout the period of life of a plant. The presence of chlorophyll enable plants to manufacture their food through photosynthesis with the use of solar energy. Excess food, particularly Carbohydrate is stored by plants in form of starch. While lipids occur as oil in plant tissues. Plants are grouped into four mainly division: Phycophyta, Bryophyta and Spermatophyta.


Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

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