The meaning of Eid (holiday) in the view of non-Muslims.

in #esteem6 years ago


Idul Fitri is a celebration by Muslims over the end of a 29 or 30 day fasting period. In Indonesia, celebrating Idul Fitri begins with Eid Prayers followed by a short sermon. After the prayers, Muslims will usually gather with family and stay in touch.
Not only religious activities, Eid also keep the tradition from various regions. For example, Grebeg Syawal in Yogyakarta, Puppet Wayang Krucil in Malang, and the tradition of cooking dodol in Gorontalo. Lebaran Eid with various traditions can be a marker that this celebration can also be said as a period of vacation and a national gathering for all Indonesian people.

To find out the non-Muslim views on Lebaran tradition, conducted a survey in cooperation with jakpat as a platform provider. The purpose of this survey in addition to knowing the meaning of Eid, also to get a picture of what activities conducted by non-Muslims in the Eid period. The survey was conducted on May 30 - June 2, 2018 on 968 respondents in Indonesia.

Profile of Respondents

In this survey, the distribution of respondents by sex is quite evenly distributed. This can be seen from the proportion of men by 49.90 percent and women 50.10 percent. In terms of age, the majority of respondents in this study aged between 20-25 years, ie 45.04 percent. Only 0.72 percent are aged between 40-45 years. Viewed from monthly expenditure, 29.86 percent of respondents have monthly expenses of between Rp 1,010,000 - Rp 2,000,000. Only 3.82 percent of respondents had monthly expenditure of more than Rp 7,500,000.

The meaning of Eid for non-Muslims.

Almost all non-Muslim societies in this research consider Eid al-Fitr as the religious holiday of Muslims (92.05%). Furthermore, they interpret the Eid as a gathering event for the Muslim family, seen from 52.58 percent of non-Muslims who say so. Interestingly, although the percentage is not large, there are also 10.64 percent of non-Muslims who consider Eid as a religious feast throughout the people of Indonesia. This is because the tradition of Lebaran is celebrated not only by Muslims, but also other religious people.
In general, long holidays and Hari Raya allowance (THR) are the two most preferred things from Eid, 80.17 percent and 54.96 percent respectively. According to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Manpower Number 2 Year 2018, THR is granted according to the religious holidays of each worker. However, not a few companies who provide THR on Idul Fitri. So it is natural that THR becomes something eagerly awaited during Lebaran.
In terms of age, the favored by the community aged 20-25 years on Eid is a gathering event with relatives (54.36 percent). Because, they are in college age or early work, so they are many friends and looking for networking.

Unlike the 26-29 year age group that selects the sale / promo in various stores (54.58%) as preferred in the Eid period. This is natural, because they are already working and the level of consumption is starting to increase. While the age group above tend to like THR Eid, age 30-35 years (59.72%) and 36-39 years (55.07%). Because, at that age, most people are married and have many new needs.

Meanwhile, the increase in the price of goods is something that non-Muslims are disliked during Idul Fitri. This can be seen from 71.59 percent of non-Muslims who choose the price of the more expensive transportation ticket and the increase in price of staple goods (49.59%) as the no discussion of the Eid period.
65.08 Percent Go on Vacation and Relax at Home During Lebaran

It is seen from 65.08 percent of non-Muslim people who choose to vacation also relax at home as an activity that they pass in this period. In addition, although the homecoming is identical with Muslims in celebrating Eid, this is also done by non-Muslim community which is seen from 35.23 percent choose this activity.
Speaking of holiday activity, as many as 87.19 percent of non-Muslim people declared holidaying is their choice in the Eid period. Of the people who vacation, vacation out of town to be a lot of choice. This is seen from 58.65 percent who stated this. Only 7.11 percent stated overseas as their holiday destinations.

As many as 90.76 percent of the community declared the families they chose to vacation together during the Eid period. In addition, friends (42.77%) also became their choice for a vacation together. As many as 36.61 percent choose relatives or other relatives who for the holidays during Lebaran.
Judging from its duration, most spent 3-7 days for the holidays during Eid (62.44%). Followed by 26.07 percent of vacationing less than 3 days. Only 3.91 percent of people who claim spend more than 10 days for the holidays in the Eid period.

From the results of this survey, it can be concluded that most non-Muslims view Eid-ul-Fitr or Eid-ul-Fitr as a religious holiday for Muslims or a family gathering event for Muslims. But there is also considered Eid al-Fitr as a religious feast throughout the people of Indonesia. Like Moslems, non-Muslims also like long holidays and THR Eid. This moment is most awaited, they are time to relax at home and vacation, due to the length of the period of leave together. Thus, it is not surprising that the most unpopular thing during Lebaran by non-Muslim communities is the increase in the price of transport tickets.


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