Banana and more Bananas

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Saleum Steemians!

image Bananas everyone?

What will you do if you have bananas like the picture above? Throw it away or make a delicious meal?
Well, I have a very generous father who will buys more than enough everything from a street vendors just to help them went home earlier. He bought two bunches of bananas that made @cicisaja laughed whenever she saw it, "who will eat these much? Father only eat one a day, you know"?, I smiled and told her to make anything she could do so that nothing left.

She has made banana "kolak" or porridge, but still the bananas exists. After a week of bananas, She finally made a decision to save it from being a plant fertiliser. I used the banana skin as fertiliser. So, with a little effort She presented Banana with grated cheese as our ifthar menu.

image grilled with a spoonful of margarine

She choses the fine bananas (4 of its) then slices it up to three then grills it with margarine about 3-5 minutes.

image here we go, grilled bananas with cheese topping

But, there are 10 bananas left 😥, I have no idea what to do about it, either. Well, Cici is someone who will never let any left over gone to waste. "I can try to make Smoked Banana or Dried Banana". That's My Wife! 😍😘Though I hesitate in the weather, but I knew she'd find some way to anticipate it.

image Ready for the next round of experiment

Cici doesn't know how to make smoked banana, but She said She'll read and learn about it from Internet articles. I hope that She'll makes it as usual. A smart one will never stop to learn, right?

No Rawon but Java Fried Noodles

I asked @cicisaja to cook "Rawon" for dinner. Rawon is a special black soup from East Java. My favourite food😄, the long process of producing that food never troubled Cici at all, we can use the instant Rawon seasoning though. But, we're not lucky today 😐, there is no instant seasoning available at the mini market, I must hold my appetite to eat Rawon tonight.

The travelling vegetables vendors had stopped to operate since yesterday. All of them have had returned to their hometown in Central or West Java. When we were ready to go out for shopping, the rain was suddenly comes down and everything is cancelled. Cici decided to make Java fried noodles.

image A Rawon supersub!

Tonight is the last even night of Tharawih, tomorrow night will be the last night of Tharawih prays. Our mosque is less crowded because many attendees has left our neighbourhood to go back to their hometown, we called the tradition as Mudik. Only those who have no hometown (mostly because they have moved out to the new region, like me), I asked Father whether He wanted to "mudik" as well, but He refused to accept that idea, "I have no home anymore, nobody of my family still alive and stayed there, this is my hometown now" He stated that clearly.

Well, no matter where you are dwelling, Ramadhan and Eid el Fitr will come to you, all you have to do is enjoy it and be grateful. The important thing about a month of fasting and 3 days of celebrations is how do you change yourself to be a good person, to keep the spiritual life with you and your caring towards others.

I will miss Ramadhan, and I wish that I could have another chance to experience the next Ramadhan, Insya Allah. Eid mubarak for my fellow Muslim Steemians 🤝



Kolak, sale pisang, pisang bakar, bolu pisang, pisang rebus, nagasari, roti pisang, keripik pisang, banyaaaak olahan, biar ga bosen 😁

Terimakasih telah menggunakan #ramadan-tkf, ditunggu artikel berikutnya, segala yang berkaitan dengan Ramadhan

Salam hangat dari Kanada,

Sama-sama mbak, sehari lagi deh bisa pakai tag nya, udah gitu ada tag baru, kah?

banana's banana's everywhere banana's. How did the cheese banana taste? Good?
The rowan noodle looks tasty , yummy.
@dipoabasch home is where the heart is.

Yes, it does taste good. It's not rawon noodles, but java fried noodles, you should try it, I will post the recipe later

🍌BANANAS!!!🍌 Yaaayyy!!

Hehehe.. Sorry that I have to grill, fry and sun-dried all of them😂

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