Donate plane from early Aceh of Indonesia independence

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


The history of Garuda Indonesia airlines can not be separated from Aceh.
If the discourse of the sale of the airline becomes a reality and then change
name, then the people of Aceh including the most grievous.Sebab, the struggle
and sincere assistance from the most western Acehnese community
it seemed to be in vain.

The history of Garuda Indonesia airlines can not be separated from Aceh.
If the discourse of the sale of the airline becomes a reality and then change
name, then the people of Aceh including the most sad. Because, the struggle
and sincere assistance from the most western Acehnese community
it seemed to be in vain.

There are still many who do not know that the people of Aceh handed over the plane
flew Seulawah in 1948 to the Indonesian government to continue the struggle
against Dutch colonialism. When all the territory of RI controlled by the Dutch, only
Aceh is still "free". Submission of Seulawah became one of the drivers
the spirit of Indonesian fighters against the invaders.

One of the witnesses and perpetrators of the history of the handover of Seulawah aircraft to
Indonesian government, Tgk AK Jakobi (77 years), said, the history of Garuda
Indonesia (formerly Garuda Indonesia Airways) can not be separated from
Seulawah RI-001. These Acehnese prize aircraft became the forerunner
the establishment of Garuda Indonesia.

On June 15, 1948, Jakobi said, President Soekarno (Bung Karno) together
17 members of the group arrived at the Lhok Nga military airfield in Banda
Aceh. Bung Karno was in Aceh for six days (15-20 June). President
The first RI also visited Sigli and Bireuen.

"In every town, Bung Karno was greeted by a gigantic meeting, hundreds of thousands of residents
Aceh is fascinated by Bung Karno's fiery mandate
the spirit of the people of Aceh. We really feel unity and mutual
supporting people across Indonesia, "retired TNI retired
Major birth Blangkejeren, Gayo Lues this, to Renewal, Friday (3/3),

At that time, Bung Karno said that Indonesia was being precarious, under the circumstances
between life and death. Bung Karno asserted, from Acehlah struggle
continued to seize every inch of the land occupied by the Dutch. Let the country
this live as wide as the umbrella, the struggle will continue until the invaders
lift the foot from the earth Indonesia.

The country desperately needs airplanes to break through the air blockade
The Dutch who have surrounded the whole country. "It's been a variety of places on
Sumatera stop off. However, it is only the people of Aceh who meet the recommendations
Bung Karno to donate airplanes, "said Jakobi.

In a historic meeting at Aceh Hotel, Combined Saudagar Indonesia Aceh
(Gasida) led by HM Djoeneid Joesoef on behalf of the people of Aceh stated
ready to respond to Bung Karno's appeal.

Funds were collected to buy two Seulawah RI-001 and Seulawah aircraft
RI-002. In the midst of a chaotic economic situation, Bung Karno was so excited
received a donation from Seulawah RI-001 from the people of Aceh

As a '45 fighter, Jakobi along with his other ardent counterparts
the average young age, present in the ceremony as perpetrators and witnesses
history. For a week, they were commissioned by Military Governor David
Beureuh escorted Bung Karno and his entourage while in Aceh (now being
Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam / NAD).

The Meaning of That Message

About 36 years later (1984), a replica of Seulawah RI-001 aircraft
adorned Blang Padang Square in Banda Aceh. It was Djoeneid Joesoef
who was gradually giving a message to Jakobi, "Kawal continues until
the next generation. "

At first he did not realize the meaning of the message. "But when my colleagues are also
fighter '45, Halimah Madjid, admonished me, was about to be brought to where the name and
Seulawah RI-001 aircraft body, if the airline Garuda
Indonesia until sold, I was stunned, "said Jakobi.

Not tired, he urged a number of parties. From the president, minister, commander of TNI,
governor of NAD, members of Parliament, up to directors and employees of Garuda Indonesia,
to maintain and maintain a very historic airline
that. Garuda was once highly respected for its management and service
including the best in the world.

Garuda Indonesia is one of the few remaining long journeys
the struggle to maintain the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation. Airlines
it still looks dashing despite being in debt that is not small.
The management can still be improved and performance can be improved. Still
many passengers are proud to fly with Garuda despite the ticket price
more expensive than other national airlines.

If you're sitting on a Garuda Indonesia plane, or see a plane and
his crew flashed in sight, remember Seulawah! Remember the contribution
Acehnese who tirelessly strive for the independence and unity of Indonesia. If
the airline is glorious, we are all happy, Acehnese are cheerful. Garuda and Aceh,
history is always remembered. Let us save garuda Indonesia as a form of the struggle of the nation indonseia.


Kapai ureung Aceh

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