
in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Steemit friends wherever you are
This afternoon I again shared a photo of a small animal, a kind of beetle.

  • Sahabat steemit di mana pun anda berada
    Siang ini saya kembali membagi foto se'ekor hewan kecil, sejenis kumbang.


This beetle I found was cutting here and there in the yard of the house
It seems like the beetle is looking for something
"Food" ... Yes, indeed this beetle is looking for prey in the form of plant pests

  • Kumbang ini saya dapati tengah tebang kesana-kemari di pekarangan rumah
    Sepertinya si kumbang sedang mencari sesuatu
    "Makanan".... Ya, memang kumbang ini sedang mencari mangsanya yang berupa hama tanaman


Even though I was aiming as close as possible to the camera of my cellphone, it seemed like the beetle didn't feel disturbed at all
Yes indeed, when it comes to the stomach, everything must be very focused. Animals are no exception

  • Walaupun sudah saya bidik sedekat mungkin dengan kamera handphone saya, sepertinya si kumbang tidak merasa terganggu sedikitpun
    Ya memang kalau sudah urusan perut semua pasti sangat fokus tidak terkecuali hewan

Here are a few stories and photos that I uploaded in my steemit account
Regards, steemit

  • Inilah sedikit cerita dan foto yang saya unggah di akun steemit saya
    Salam steemit

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