in #esteem7 years ago

The home should be an informal ground for proper education and a place for holistic upbringing of the girl child. The only challenge is that some homes have not lived up to their responsibilities while other has. The home was designed by God to be a mentoring ground, training ground, empowerment ground and the place where the journey to stardom begins. If the home fails, the individual fails; then the society fails greatly.

This is to say that whatever a society turns out to be is traceable to the family system.

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Do you know that the success and failure of the society is dependent on individuals- the parents? This now leads me to saying that there are basically three institutions that also play great roles in the development of a girl child namely; the family, the religious institution and school. (I will write on this next time).

If the home will fail, It is largely dependent on the failures of the individuals who never gave time to capacity building and self development and self-leadership before they took the vows to become husband and wife. Our society is facing a lot of problems- corruption, bribery, terrorism, rape, abuse of office, ethnic chauvinism, religious bigotry and the likes in recent time because the families have failed to do their work.

Most families have left their responsibility of upbringing of the girl child to chance. Her education, finances, and relationship have not been taken seriously; her gender is threatened but instead of proffering solutions, we have been dancing around the problem. In this write up today I will try to offer few suggestive solutions that will help anyone including the parents to considerably abolish the problem militating against the successful emergence of the girl child starting from the home.



Do you love your girl genuinely? An average answer will be definitely. But let me put that question to you this way. Do you love your girl beyond your responsibilities as a parent? Over the years, I have come to discover that one of the missing virtues in many homes is true love. The power of Storge is missing that is the kind of love that exists between the parents and their child or children. The absence of true love in many homes account for the immoral lifestyles, the corruption cases, failures in leadership, unrest, terrorism, immoral attitude and many wrong lifestyle challenging our world today.

Gary Chapman wrote and I quote:

“inside every child is an emotional tank waiting to be filled with love”

So the girl child being an emotional being by creature needs love, attention, care, and all that will keep her esteem worthwhile.

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The following are my suggestible ways the girl child can be loved and the very best of her will emerge.

  1. Accept her totally,
  2. Tolerate her
  3. Be her model
  4. Be Involved
  5. Make Provision
  6. Build Capacity
  7. Be Available
  8. Give her opportunity to lead
  9. Lead her to her SOURCE (God).

On this not I will like say that every girl child deserve the best. I am a man who was nurtured and trained by a woman who sacrificed everything for me to grow and be the best I can today.

This also has reflected in the life of my kid sister who is living out her purpose today, happily married with kids. Let’s all join hand and make the world a better place for the girl child.

I hope I have been able to pass a vital message today on this subject matter. Thanks for reading and visiting my blog.

I am me @brightfame


Awesome post

Your post was selected to be included in my "Diamond in the Rough" series. It's goal is to promote high-quality posts made by new steemians (red fish and minnow) thereby helping them get the exposure they need to grow and thrive within the Steemitverse. You may check the related post Diamonds in the Rough @sandalphon.

Wow! @sandalphon thanks alot for doing this great job. You see sometimes I just wonder if my work will ever be seen but with this I am gonna keep pushing till the light even shines brighter.

I am glad my work made the list in Diaminds in the Rough... Kudos and keep doing the great job.

I am me @brightfame

Nice to meet you @brightfame

Thank you so much @melsa

You are right..the family is the first school of learning for any child...

The family is indeed the first place but many parents have neglected their roles in the life of their girl child for career which has caused trouble to the family system and the society at large.

Ahhh!!! uncle @brightfame at it again, I must confess you did justice to this article. This is my favorite in this post

Accept her totally,
Tolerate her
Be her model
Be Involved
Make Provision
Build Capacity
Be Available
Give her opportunity to lead
Lead her to her SOURCE (God).

Am really challenged with this,and am happy have made a good impact here... Thanks for sharing

Wow... I love the part where you wrote about loving the child beyond the responsibility of a parent.
Awesome stuff.

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