
Bah ha ha.. so Im guessing you two hate me now as well? ;)

Its funny, I have a sister in law as well who is a teacher, and she wont speak to me either. I think some teachers take it as a personal insult that I would choose to teach my kids at home. No offense to you guys, or her. I just want to do it myself. ;)

I think it depends on where you live and what your motives are. Around here the schools are top notch. Most of the people that choose to homeschool have kids with behavior issues and feel the school is picking on them. They aren't doing the kids any favors in the long run by pulling them out.

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I guess it just depends on how you look at it.
True, for families like you are mentioning, pulling the kids out of school may harm more than help. I think it just depends on the families and the issues they are dealing with.

Personally, I was homeschooled, and I knew from the beginning that I wanted to raise my kids the same way, not matter how good or bad the local schools were.
There's more to it than that. It's honestly a different way of life, where they can learn what they want to, and you can move at their speed. No worrying about falling behind or getting bored, no worrying about bullying or learning awful things from peers, and of course, more freedom, since you are not confined to a typical school schedule or curriculum.

I love teachers and the job they do. Im sure most teachers would be wonderful with my kids. However, for these, and a whole list of other reasons, I choose to keep them home. :)

(Of course, by 'keeping them home', I dont literally mean we are all alone at home all day every day. The kids have lots of different things they leave to do, such as art class, archery, and 4H. They also have neighborhood friends and spend afternoons outdoors playing and riding bikes with the other kids.)

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