in #esteem6 years ago


(by: Iramawati Oemar)
What happens if a combat force loses its commander
Take the example of Brigadier General Mallaby, commander of the allied forces sent by Britain to Indonesia in October 1945, who then died at the hands of arek-arek Suroboyo. However powerful the NICA combat equipment is, the troops can still be defeated by arek-arek Suroboyo led by Bung Tomo.
They lost because the commander was dead first, 6000 troops plus heavy combat artillery became meaningless.
That is what happens in real life, which knows rigid structures and clear command lines. That is why when an organization loses its leader, the organization will soon gather to replace leaders. For example a political party topped by its leader was arrested by the KPK, then the highest assembly of the party will convene / meet, determine who the successor is. There should be no leadership vacuum, because no one can sign important documents on behalf of the organization.
Unlike the virtual world that does not need a real address, just an e-mail address, which does not require a signature and stamp, just by password verification and captcha. So in cyberspace no one can claim to be the leader of a group of net citizens.
Net (nettizen) citizens' lives are not restricted to RT, RW, kelurahan, kecamatan, etc. There are not even boundaries between countries.
Donald Trump may threaten all countries against the will of America at the United Nations. However, nettizens from various parts of the world can also bully Trump through his official twitter account

That's why cyberworld is also called borderless world.
There are at least 2 necessities in the world of Saiber.
First: the absence of territorial boundaries, Second: the absence of structural leaders because every net citizen is a free entity.
So it is very ironic if in recent years our country has been shocked by the arrest of a number of people called the LEADERS of the MCA group, Muslim Cyber ​​Army. Just because those who were arrested said to be the WA group admin.
WhatsApp is a messaging service application that provides chat group facilities. A WA user can join in dozens or even hundreds of groups.
It's kind of funny, if "admin" is categorized as "leader". In a WA group, the admin can have several people. In fact there is one WA group that I follow, all members are made admin with the aim that all can enter new members, because the group is an alumni group who are looking for old friends.
That is the unique virtual world, the name for the manager of a group is "admin", meaning that the task is only to do administration, group management only. NOT LEADING!
On Facebook social media, there are thousands of FB groups. Groups that include MCA names and / or logos, the number can be tens. The admin is certainly different, because anyone can initiate a group and enter his friends into group members. There are even groups that members can join without waiting for verification / approval from the admin.
Well, if only 1 WA group whose name includes 3 letters M, C and A whose admin was arrested, can it be called "MCA leader has been caught" ?! Even though there could be dozens of WA groups with the name MCA attached, there are dozens of FB groups with different names and MCA logos. Where each group can have 2 or more admins. So, who is most worthy of being called the leader of these admins ?!
So, imposing the logic that the leader of the MCA has actually captured is the repetition of the same story with the news of the arrest of the Saracen kingpin last year.

At an official press conference and attended by a large number of journalists from various mass media, and broadcast by a television station last night, I heard a reporter ask more or less like this:
"If this (motive) is known to be an economic motive, why don't the mastermind uncover it? What is the problem and what are the obstacles to revealing WHO IS FINANCING this movement? There used to be a Saracen, he said. the buyer is not arrested, whoever is funding is not disclosed, later it will continue to repeat, what other groups like this will continue, Isn't this the same as (if drug-like) just catching the messengers while the bookie is not arrested

A question that is SMART and very LOGICAL. If there really is an organized group, work producing hoaxes, working on orders and paid, of course the more dangerous is the one ordering, the paying party. Just catch the buyer, then all funding sources will be stopped. And practically all activities will be paralyzed, stop completely. As simple as like that!
Correctly said the reporter, there was nothing to arrest the courier if his bookies were not touched.
What does it mean to catch a dealer of a few grams of methamphetamine operating in a number of discos, if the supplier of tons of tons or millions of grams of meth can not be revealed ?! What's the point of exposing a handful of drug-using artists, if an importer of millions of grams of drugs is not revealed at all ?!
The problem ..., is it true that Saracen, MCA or any group that is said to have been arrested, is it true that the pattern of work on an order basis, organized, has a structured organ, has command and paid lines ?!

CNN uploaded a story online on Friday, March 2, 2018 with the title "Muslim Cyber ​​Army, Persuade Seduction Jihad and Find Money from Social Media". A writing that is very tendentious and simplifies the MCA as a group of people who are lured by the jihad movement on social media that can also make money.
Then, one of them who works as a lecturer admitted that he had joined the MCA for 5 years. It means, MCA has existed since the beginning of 2013 ??? !!
This is the most ridiculous slapstick. No need to be a smart person to digest this a lie.
Since when is the term MCA known as citizen? As far as I remember, since the news of the blasphemy case by the governor of Jakarta (when) was excited, related to the speech about Surat Al Maidah verse 51 on Pramuka island.
Since then, the wars of opinion between citizens have been more exciting.
There are groups that preach the Muslim demonstration from the negative side only. The mainstream media is also reluctant to report the facts. Finally, on its own initiative, every participant in the demonstration of the Islamic Action in various cities at that time, reported the real conditions of the crowded demonstration atmosphere followed by thousands of Muslims in each city. Then, in series the photos were distributed through WA groups and uploaded on their respective social media accounts

When the Islamic Defense Action in various cities continued to be minimized, the idea emerged to focus on the Action of Bela Islam II in Jakarta, with Istiqlal gathering points. The buzzer of the governor's supporters continued to play down this action plan. The mainstream media is still reluctant to cover. So, once again citizens who supported the Action, competed to report on the current situation of the Istiqlal Mosque, from the 3rd day before the peak of ABI II.
The war of opinion on social media continues. A longtime buzzer with many followers uploaded photos of the quiet Istiqlal atmosphere, early in the day on the day the Action 411 was going to be held. There were only a handful of people sitting down and some lying down. Warganet did not want to lose, they posted photos of how vehicles that would drop food logistics had to queue long to be able to enter Istiqlal.
And no warning ... after Friday prayers, when the mob began to walk on foot towards the palace, the entire HI roundabout was covered in a sea of ​​people. Not to mention the one that extends on all four sides of the road. An estimated 2.5 million people fill the streets. That's when the buzzer was hit, the mainstream mass media widened, not expecting that much of the sea of ​​people.
Only then did people begin to turn away: it turned out that the informal news power of citizenship status was more credible. The Success of the 411 Action (4 November 2016) then gave rise to the term Moslems Cyber ​​Army.
Through the hands of citizens, the more phenomenal Action 212 can be held. Long-march walks from the Ciamis santri group continued to be reported from time to time by citizens. Also incidents of deterrence against several groups from various regions. So they can strengthen each other. As a result, the 212 Action was even more surprising because the amount of mass collected was around 3x the mass of the Action 411.
Since then, the power of citizenship called Moslems Cyber ​​Army can no longer be underestimated. When Sari Roti somewhat arrogantly stated that they did not support Action 212, the invitation to boycott Sari Roti immediately echoed and in a matter of days the turnover of Sari Roti sales dropped, which was displayed on shelves in supermarkets piling up

MCA is clear without the recruitment process, without the registration process, without selection and clearly without payment. It could be said that the spearhead of the MCA was actually in the hands of a group of housewives who were increasingly fierce because the APBRT (Household Income and Expenditure Budget) was disrupted.
These mothers are the ranks of the Finance Ministers without the best title in the world, but they are more prudent in managing the contents of their wallets in times of increasingly difficult economic conditions. When the husband's income did not increase, while the electricity account continued to swell and the purchase of gasoline for cars and motorcycles also climbed.
These mothers have to turn their brains so that they cannot easily be indebted here and there which will increasingly burden the "cash flow" next month. The mothers might not have passed the macroeconomics course, but they understood better what the meaning of "purchasing power was down" without asking too many strange parameters in economists' dictionaries.
For mothers, when a sheet of 50 thousand that was brought to the market was enough to shop for chicken meat, now with the same sheet they had to buy half a tail because the price of chilli and garlic also rose, enough for them to know "the purchasing power is indeed down "
Mother-daughters who used to be only stories about soap operas and telenovela, are now starting to learn "bedwetting" aka political talk. Because they know, salt and rice prices are also influenced by political decisions. When salt and rice have to be imported, the power of the mother and mother's wallet will be further eroded, the children's snacks will decrease. When energy subsidies continue to be cut due to political decisions, then that means that electricity tokens with the same price will run out faster, buying gasoline will be more expensive, LPG gas will be increasingly scarce and must queue.
The mothers also volunteered to judge the price of Maknyuuss rice when the rice producer was "didzholimi" on charges of harming the country tens of trillions.
Maybe some of the Mothers then embed a caricature of the MCA or BEM logo, nothing more than a spirit that he was now part of who cared about the country's social and political problems. Not to be legislative candidates, not because they want to be candidates for regents, mayors, governors. But because they care about the future of this nation and country for the sake of their children.
In the midst of their limitations and challenges, Android phones are quite helpful. About internet packages, they can buy from the rest of the shopping money. Many providers offer promo quota packages. So it's not uncommon for moms and sisters to buy cheap, lively packages, the number is new, look for other providers that are promos.

Well, what kind of thing will shake this country ?!
Let's say there are 1-2 mothers who are too eager to share the news without checking and checking or getting caught up in a post that turns out to be a hoax, that's an error, a mistake. But labeling mothers and herd as a paid hoax producer syndicate, it's too much.
Maybe it would be better if all looked back, why did the MCA appear. It doesn't need to be until 5 years ago, because the MCA is only nearing the end of 2016. There hasn't been 1.5 years ago. What has been more than 5 years is precisely JASMEV. Just try to trace it through the Mbah Google archive.
Believe me ...
Although there are dozens of other people who will be captured and attributed as leaders of MCAs, Saracens, or whatever names will be raised, the movement to criticize the situation and condition of this country will not stop.
Look, how many accounts with tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of followers were closed, yet did not discourage citizens from voicing their anxiety.
Remember when the official FB and IG accounts of the President were bullied by hundreds of thousands of comments after the Paspampres incident which reportedly prevented Anies Baswedan from going to the field during the Presidential trophy?
Who drives hundreds of thousands of accounts to keep commenting for days? Are they disgusted? Then where are the buzzers and lovers who have been praising the President? Why did they let the President's official account be bullied? Are they not moved to defend?
If you want, maybe the authorities can start from there: find out who is the mastermind behind the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of bully / commentator accounts on the official President's account. Find who is funding. That is just the simplest example, how Warganet's movement is purely a commandless movement and no one is leading.
Like the natural law of a water tap that is trying to be blocked, the flow will spurt everywhere.

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