one of the need for meurah noble peasant farmers who are less respected by local and central government

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

imageirrigation water dams is one of the needs of the noble meurah community, because in general the local community is a farmer, now kreung pasee water dams in the cheap noble not run as usual after the disaster dam dam damaged in 2008, after the incident was aceh north community, especially the district noble meurah, syamtalira bayu, ocean syamtalira aron and the vast land to feel the loss of decent agricultural output. imagefarmers in the area have complained to the local government and the central government but less responded from the side of the community noble meurah feels at the disadvantage by the government especially in the sub-district there are two birth legislative or legislative members who actually the son of the area, because the local son who sitting on the council's seats are the ones chosen by the noble meurah farmers, when they are at the level of regional command such as not functioning for the noble meurah community who has been sending representatives or messengers to the green table. imagewhereas in general the community is in urgent need of irrigation water, but there are third parties who seek the advantages of the dam repair site is badly damaged, the governor and the regents do not directly review the dam repair is most needed by the small community, where the conscience lies those who have the rank and position that can help the farmers directly or not, the noble meurah community never ask more than the aceh government in addition to make a dam up to one hundred percent can be used by farmers, not small communities who have reported but until the scholars also participate in asking for the government, but also not in response, what they may never appreciate the services of the lights of the world and society who have brought them to high rank.

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