Functionalist Social Change Perspective

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)


The concept that evolves from this perspective is cultural
lag (cultural gap). This concept supports perspective
functionalist to explain that basically
social change is not separated from the relationship between the elements
elements of culture in society. According to this perspective,
some elements of culture can change very much
fast, while the other elements change very slowly,

so it can not keep pace with elemental change
which runs very fast. Elements that change greatly
fast generally associated with culture
material, while elements that change slowly or
slow is an element related to culture
nonmaterial. Thus, what happens is keterting-
galan elements that change slowly. as a result
emerging social gaps in society or known
with the term cultural lag.
For example the destruction of public phones. Telephone
common as a general facility is very effective to do
communication, so it should be treated and cared for.
In fact, many public telephones are actually marred by
community. This fact shows that in masya-
Rakat occurs cultural lag, in which the human mind
(nonmaterial) unable to adapt to per-
development or advancement of technology (material).
Adherents of this perspective are more receptive to change
social as something constant and does not require
explanation. Change is regarded as a thing
disrupting the balance of society. The process of disruption
this stops at the moment the change has been integrated in
culture. If the change was found to be useful then
it can be said that change is functional and
finally accepted by society, but if proven
dysfunctional or unhelpful, then the change will
rejected. The figure from this perspective is William Ogburn.
The perspective of functionalist perspective in seeing a
social change in society is as follows.
a. Every society is relatively stable.
b. Every component of society usually supports
community stability.
c. Every society is usually relatively integrated.
d. Social stability is highly dependent on collective agreements
(consensus) among members of community groups.

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