7 Benefits of Salak Fruits For Body Health. Number 7 Unexpectedly

in #esteem6 years ago


Salacca Zalacca, is the Latin name of the bark. Salak fruit itself is an indigenous fruit that is easy to find Indonesia, and grow without knowing the season. This fruit has a brown outer skin with a scaly texture resembling a snake's skin. The inside is white, sometimes there is a brownish color and thin epidermis coated.

Well, did you know that eating fruits without removing the skin of the arinya was able to provide many benefits?

As reported by hallosehat.com on September 6, 2017, in 100 grams of salak fruit there are 3.9 mg iron, 0.2 mg Vitamin B2, 8.4 mg Vitamin C, 12.1 grams of carbohydrate, 3, 8 mg of calcium, 18 mg of phosphorus, 0.8 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of total fat, and 0.3 mg total dietary fiber.

With the many nutritional content in the fruits, no wonder if this fruit can provide many benefits for the health of the body. Seven of them are as follows.

  1. Maintain digestive health

Salak fruit contains solid nutrients consisting of calcium, tannin, sapotanin, flavanoid and beta carotene that can maintain digestive health.

  1. Can improve health and immunity

Antioxidants function to reduce the harmful effects of cell damage caused by sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoke, unhealthy foods, and alcohol.

Just as green tea is known as a source of antioxidants, salak is so. The content of antioxidants in the bark is able to prevent damage to cells and tissues.

  1. Maintain weight

Salak fruit is also believed to help maintain weight, and suitable also consumed for anyone who is doing a diet program.

Salak fruit contains calcium and carbohydrates that can provide full effects longer. As explained through dietnutrition.org on March 19, 2014, a high calcium intake may alter the metabolism of fat cells, which can lead to reduced stored fat and produce fat to be burned into energy. So as to suppress the appetite.

  1. Maintain eye health

Not only carrots, fruit bark is also believed to be able to maintain eye health. That's because the content of beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A by the body.

  1. Treating diarrhea

High fiber content in bark can also help treat diarrhea. The content of tannin in the bark is already known as a substance that is able to treat diarrhea. The tannin itself works by shrinking and enlarging the intestinal wall, thus reducing the intake of fluid in the intestine.

  1. Can maintain heart health

Salak fruit also has potassium in it.

Potassium itself is one type of minerals that exist in the body. In addition to functioning as a form of cells, potassium also has a role in maintaining heart health, brain, kidney, and muscle stability.

  1. Support the formation of fetal bones in pregnant women

Not only good for the health of the body, it turns out the fruit also has unexpected benefits.

Calcium is needed by pregnant women to help form fetal skeletal tissue in the fetus. By diligently consume fruits regularly, will help increase calcium intake for pregnant women. In addition, by diligently consume salak for pregnant women, will provide stamina to stay strong and healthy during pregnancy.

That's the seven benefits of fruits for the health of the body and pregnant women. Consume the fruits as needed. Hopefully this article provides many benefits and adds a bit of knowledge to you.

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