The Cause of a Terrible Nightmare

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)


Nightmares often occur and not just in children who are often nightmares, but adults and elderly also exist and almost 75% of adults still have nightmares during sleep. 25% percent of them experience twenty-eight nightly nightmares to once a month that makes you awake from sleep, and another 3% -5% only have nightmares once every week.

Adults who are nightmares are generally spontaneous. Some adults have terrifying dreams after a glut in the night or eating spicy foods, which can lead to increased brain work. Lack of sleep rest also causes nightmares. Fears caused after watching a horror movie can also cause you to dream of hurrying.

But you must be vigilant if the night you often have nightmares. Adults who often have nightmares can be an early sign of some of the conditions of more serious health.

Causes of adults who often have nightmares?

• Narcolepsy (abnormalities in the nerves of the brain)

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder. Narcolepsy is caused by a disorder of the brain's nerves that causes a person to suddenly fall asleep at times and places that are not appropriate for sleep.

People who experience narcolepsy can also experience a hallucinations like dreams and paralysis as they fall asleep or when awakened from sleep and can interfere with sleep at night and invite nightmares to come. People who experience narcolepsy also have nightmares that seem more real than others because their consciousness is always between waking and sleeping, so the brain that protocols for dreams works more spontaneously as they fall asleep than in people who sleep normally.

• Depression (discomfort)

Depression can occur from trauma or as a side effect of another serious illness. Depression can adversely affect a person's mood, stamina, feelings, sleep patterns, appetite, and concentration levels of the sufferer.

People who are depressed often feel deprived of enthusiasm or motivation, often feeling sad and also often feel discouraged. Depression can cause nightmares when we still think difficult issues, it happens as long as we are in the sleep will sleep and try to solve it. This reflects the life experiences we experience, both now and in the past, not only affect our lives but also affect our
dreams as well.

• Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea often makes the sufferer's sleep disturbed. Breathing sufferers sleep apnea can be partially or completely blocked so that you are not getting enough fresh oxygen flow to the brain during sleep.

The brain will declare at least oxygen levels as a real threat and you can choke or choke and run out of air, and if the body does not respond then you will die. Your body's response to apnea is that your heart will beat faster and your breathing will be disturbed, which can make you wake up and panic.

• PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) is a serious anxiety disorder and will occur after a person has a severe traumatic event or just sees it, such as cruel or approaching violence.

Unfinished and unfinished conflicts do not just disappear from one's mind. Memory of a bad experience will be silent within and will form a personality. The trauma of the past can also be so scarring and cause you to often feel worried and uncomfortable even in a safe situation, or continue to look for ways to justify for yourself.

Drawn from the Medical Daily, a team of researchers from the University of Turku Finland found a discovery that nightmares can increase the risk of suicide among the general population and veterans of World War II.

• Alcohol or drugs (intoxicated)

Frequent drinking or consuming large amounts of drugs can impair the functioning of the brain. And the effect of doing it before going to bed can make you instantly get you into the dream world without taking long.

When the effects of alcohol or drugs disappear in the middle of your sleep, the brain becomes confused and tries hard to re-make the right sleep again. In essence, the activity of the sleeping brain changed irregularly and suddenly, which can cause you difficult to sleep soundly and comfortably. This chaotic activity of the brain can continue to occur when you have stopped drinking alcohol or drugs for several weeks in the future.

• Night anxiety disorder (dream anxiety disorder)

No other cause can be determined? often a nightmare may be a sign of different symptoms of sleep disorders. Nightmare Syndrome, also often known as 'dream anxiety disorder', is a sleep disorder characterized by frequent nightmares with no apparent cause in adults or elderly and the treatment or physical or mental disorder is not enough to explain why you too still have nightmares.
I hope that what i shere can be beneficial for steemian friends. Thank you very much

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